CVIR Editors’ Medal 2022

Over the past 19 years, CVIR has celebrated an outstanding paper from the journal by honouring and recognising it with the Editors’ Medal. The winning paper covers the field of experimental work in interventional radiology, innovative research and thorough clinical studies. This paper is chosen by the Editor-in-Chief, who takes into account recommendations offered by his team of associate editors. We had many qualifying articles, reader interest, author submissions, and numerous nominations by the associate editors. This year, it was not easy to make a final decision, since three papers were leading the race.

We proudly announce this year’s award-winning article is by Mark W. Little and co-authors. This paper is about a planned interim analysis of GENESIS; a prospective pilot study investigating the role of genicular artery embolization (GAE) in patients with mild-to-moderate osteoarthritis of the knee using permanent microspheres. The authors conclude that GAE using permanent microspheres in patients with mild-to-moderate knee OA is safe, with potential efficacy at early follow-up.

Genicular artEry embolizatioN in patiEnts with oSteoarthrItiS of the Knee (GENESIS) Using Permanent Microspheres: Interim Analysis

M. W. Little, M. Gibson, J. Briggs, A. Speirs, P. Yoong, T. Ariyanayagam, N. Davies, E. Tayton, S. Tavares, S. MacGill, C. McLaren & R. Harrison [1].

The award entails a considerable monetary prize, as well as a medal and certificate from the Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiological Society of Europe (CIRSE).

Congratulations to the winners, and thank you for making CVIR your preferred journal for your submissions!

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