Treatment in a stroke unit and risk factor control reduce recurrent stroke risk

Cerebrovascular Diseases Extra


Introduction: The risk factor control is an important predictor of risk of stroke recurrence. The attributable fraction which estimates the excess risk among the exposed stroke survivors has not been studied previously. We studied the attributable fraction for stroke recurrence in consecutive incident cases of recurrent stroke. Methods: A case control study with incident cases of recurrent stroke and controls matched for age and post stroke period was done. Structured interview was done to collect data on sociodemographic variables, lifestyle and medication adherence. The risk factors, treatment of index stroke and outcome were collected. Logistic regression analysis was done to find out the factors associated with stroke recurrence. Attributable fraction and average attributable fraction were calculated. Results: Among the 103 matched pairs, more than 70% were rural residents. Male gender (OR 2.59; 95% CI 1.05-6.42), presence of depression (OR 8.67 95% CI 2.80- 26.84), memory problem (OR 10.12 95% CI 2.48- 41.34), uncontrolled diabetes (OR 3.19 95% CI 1.42- 7.19), cardioembolic stroke (OR 4.45 95% CI 1.12- 17.62) and index stroke not being treated in stroke unit (OR 6.60 95% CI 2.86- 15.23 were associated with increased risk of stroke recurrence. The maximum average attributable fraction for stroke recurrence risk was attributed to index stroke not being treated in stroke unit and uncontrolled diabetes. Conclusion: The index stroke treated in a comprehensive stroke care unit and control of risk factors can reduce recurrent stroke risk among stroke survivors. This population attributable risk is important in planning secondary stroke prevention strategies.

The Author(s). Published by S. Karger AG, Basel

Article / Publication Details

Received: January 25, 2022
Accepted: May 13, 2022
Published online: July 06, 2022
Issue release date: May - August

1664-5456 (Online)

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