Cardiff & Vale University Health Board, Breast Centre, University Hospi-tal Llandough, Penlan Road, Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom
Abstract: (1191 Views)
With the recent rise in prepectoral breast reconstruction, partly due to the improvement in implants and the aesthetic results but, more so, due to the perseveration of the pectoralis major, it is of great importance to have an appreciation of the clinical anatomy with regards to the breast and its blood supply for the practice of prepectoral breast reconstruction. The preservation of the mastectomy flap vasculature together with meticulous surgical tech-nique minimizes complications, notoriously of skin flap necrosis. We aimed to describe the anatomy of the oncoplastic plane (for the prepectoral tech-nique), its vasculature, and relevant assessment methods.
Full-Text [PDF 431 kb] (579 Downloads) Type of Study: Short Communication | Subject: Special
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