Successful implementation of telemedicine depends on personal relations between company representatives and healthcare providers: A qualitative study of business models for Danish home telemonitoring

The struggle to transform telemedicine from project level to daily clinical practice is ongoing. An assessment of the business models of telemedicine applications could provide insights into how to facilitate this transition. Our aim was to identify the qualitative characteristics of business models of long-term operational telemedicine providers in Denmark.

A structured interview study design was applied to interviews of representatives from seven Danish companies providing home telemonitoring in long-term operation. Data was analysed using Osterwalder’s Business Model Canvas framework.

Multiple themes emphasized the importance of strong personal relationships between company representatives and healthcare providers. Personal relations could 1) secure a strong relationship to lead users and clinical ambassadors; 2) facilitate work with healthcare providers to develop, test and revise value propositions; 3) promote user support and education; 4) establish an indirect connection between companies and healthcare managers or decision makers.

Thus, a strong personal relationship between company representatives and healthcare providers is of paramount importance when integrating home telemonitoring from project stage into clinical practice. However, this strategy could lack patient involvement, use of data, and business scalability. Additionally, companies with the ability to establish strong personal connections could be favoured over companies which provide strong clinical and economic evidence.

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