The wide variety of building blocks and light-matter interaction capabilities involved in modern photonic architectures introduce not only unprecedented opportunities but also challenges on the integration of optical materials and devices at all levels within the systems. Hybrid photonic integration and interfaces enable the combination of different ingredients on a single functional unit as well as enhanced manipulation of light, thereby enabling photonic technologies with extraordinary performance, new functionalities and scalability. This feature issue of Hybrid Integrated Photonic Platforms in Optical Materials Express highlights perspectives and technological advancements in this fast-growing, multidisciplinary area. The feature addresses critical challenges and requirements in a broad range of photonic technologies and covers a wide variety of hybrid and heterogeneous photonic integration and interfacing approaches as well as emerging solutions.
The feature issue contains 9 articles including opinion, review and original research papers by leading researchers in this field. In an invited opinion article, Yoo discusses the recent progress in hybrid integrated photonic platforms and outlines new functionalities introduced to the silicon CMOS photonic platform [1]. Li et al. review silicon integrated light-emitters and photodetectors based on 2D materials and discuss strategies using valley-photonics, hybrid and 3D integrations to achieve energy-efficient and miniaturized on-chip optical communication [2]. Jevtics et al. develop a transfer printing process tailored for dense integration of micro-/nano-photonic devices from different material platforms onto a single photonic integrated circuit chip [3]. Jean et al. further study micro-trench resonators for heterogeneous integration with silicon waveguides and demonstrate high-performance photonic devices using this technique as well as its compatibility with various thin-film materials [4]. Lin et al. develop on-chip integration of mid-infrared interband cascade lasers with high-index-contrast chalcogenide photonics that serve as a highly versatile platform for integration with various optical components [5]. Woska et al. report chip-scale photonic molecules with tunable coupling strength via thermal actuation on a liquid crystal elastomer (LCE) platform, and demonstrate tunable photonic devices based on this approach [6]. Sun et al. investigate temperature and initial polarization dependences of electrooptic properties of barium titanate (BaTiO3) crystal thin films that will potentially benefit high-speed electro-optic devices [7]. Ling et al. present electrically tunable metamaterials using InGaZnO Schottky barrier diodes that enable actively modulated terahertz (THz) waves with enhanced performance and reconfigurability [8]. Finally, Zhu et al. propose a metal-insulator-metal (MIM) waveguide structure configured to excite dual-Fano resonance and leverage the improved sensitivity of the structure for temperature detection of ethanol [9].
The guest editors hope the readers find this feature issue to be a useful reference timely reflecting state-of-the-arts of hybrid integrated photonic platforms and stimulate future research and technological advancement in this exciting area. We want to thank all the authors for their great efforts in preparing and revising the manuscripts. We would also like to thank the reviewers for the high quality and timely comments that helped to improve the feature issue. We express our gratitude to Alexandra Boltasseva, Editor-in-Chief, Juejun Hu, Deputy Editor, and Stavroula Foteinopoulou, Feature Editor of Optical Materials Express, for their invaluable guidance and support on this feature issue. We are also grateful to the Optica Journal staff for their trustworthy efforts and dedication during the preparation and production processes.
1. S. J. Ben Yoo, “Hybrid integrated photonic platforms: opinion,” Opt. Mater. Express 11(10), 3528–3534 (2021). [CrossRef]
2. F. Li, J. Zheng, Q. Yao, and Y.-Q. Bie, “Recent progress of silicon integrated light emitters and photodetectors for optical communication based on two-dimensional materials,” Opt. Mater. Express 11(10), 3298–3320 (2021). [CrossRef]
3. D. Jevtics, J. A. Smith, J. McPhillimy, B. Guilhabert, P. Hill, C. Klitis, A. Hurtado, M. Sorel, H. H. Tan, C. Jagadish, M. D. Dawson, M. J. Strain, C. Jagadish, M. D. Dawson, and M. J. Strain, “Spatially dense integration of micron-scale devices from multiple materials on a single chip via transfer-printing,” Opt. Mater. Express 11(10), 3567–3576 (2021). [CrossRef]
4. P. Jean, A. Douaud, S. T. Bah, S. LaRochelle, Y. Messaddeq, and W. Shi, “Universal micro-trench resonators for monolithic integration with silicon waveguides,” Opt. Mater. Express 11(9), 2753–2767 (2021). [CrossRef]
5. H. Lin, C. S. Kim, L. Li, M. Kim, W. W. Bewley, C. D. Merritt, C. L. Canedy, I. Vurgaftman, A. Agarwal, K. Richardson, J. Hu, and J. R. Meyer, “Monolithic chalcogenide glass waveguide integrated interband cascaded laser,” Opt. Mater. Express 11(9), 2869–2876 (2021). [CrossRef]
6. S. Woska, P. Rietz, O. Karayel, and H. Kalt, “Tunable coupling of chip-scale photonic molecules via thermal actuation,” Opt. Mater. Express 11(9), 3194–3207 (2021). [CrossRef]
7. N. Sun, Y. Han, D. Sun, H. Shang, L. Guo, and D. Wu, “Temperature and initial polarization dependences of the electrooptic coefficient of BaTiO3 crystal film,” Opt. Mater. Express 11(8), 2730–2743 (2021). [CrossRef]
8. H. Ling, P. Qian, B. Zhang, M. Feng, Y. Wang, X. Zhang, Q. Wang, Y. Zhang, and A. Song, “Active terahertz metamaterials electrically modulated by InGaZnO Schottky diodes,” Opt. Mater. Express 11(9), 2966–2974 (2021). [CrossRef]
9. J. Zhu and G. Jin, “Detecting the temperature of ethanol based on Fano resonance spectra obtained using a metal-insulator-metal waveguide with SiO2 branches,” Opt. Mater. Express 11(9), 2787–2799 (2021). [CrossRef]
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