Authors Resource Center: Authors Conflicts of Interest Disclosure form

Any manuscript submission must include a conflict of interest disclosure statement. A conflict of interest exists when an author and/or co-author has financial or personal relationships with other persons or organizations that may influence professional judgment concerning an essential value (patient’s well-being, research integrity, etc.). The main conflicts of interest are financial interests, clinical trials, occasional consultancies, institutional and family relations, etc.

All of the publication’s authors must disclose all relationships that could be viewed as potential conflicts of interest, not only directly related to the article published but more generally to the field covered by the study (see ICMJE guidelines).

Upon acceptance of publication, the authors will be asked to fill out the ICMJE disclosure of interest forms

The corresponding author is responsible for collecting and reporting disclosures from all authors.

At the end of the manuscript, before the References and after any Acknowledgments, a Disclosure of Interests must
be formulated.

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