We are grateful for our peer reviewers and editorial board members who have served The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry so well in 2024. Peer review is an essential element of timely, responsible, and high-quality publication of scientific work. For our journal, with its emphasis on clinically relevant work that informs patient care and clinical research, it is ever so daunting to put forward papers that are carefully peer reviewed. It is with deep gratitude that we acknowledge our peer reviewers and editorial board members for their generous contributions, with special recognition for our Circle of Honor reviewers—those who have reviewed the most papers during the past year.
As Editor in Chief of JCP, I would also like to thank Dr Joseph Goldberg, Deputy Editor, and outstanding section editors Drs Philippe Courtet, Jordan Karp, Ann Shinn, Gary Small, and Karen Wagner. These remarkable colleagues allow us to offer specialty sections on suicide, geriatric psychiatry, psychotic disorders, and childhood and adolescent psychiatry. I am honored to edit our Focus on Women’s Mental Health section, and Dr Goldberg is the editor of our Early Career Psychiatrists section.
I would also like to recognize new contributions this year from Dr Chittaranjan Andrade, author of Biostats Made Simple, a collection exploring key statistical concepts, and from Drs Rachel Vanderkruik and John Markowitz, editors of our new Focus on Psychotherapy section.
For those of you learning to peer review or mentoring in this endeavor, we have provided information on our website here: https://www.psychiatrist.com/information-for-reviewers/.
The American Society of Clinical Psychopharmacology (ASCP) is the organization affiliated with the journal, and this year we are launching a joint effort of an editor fellowship, with Dr Alexandra Aaronson as our inaugural fellow. Please keep an eye out for future news as we develop training and mentorship in peer reviewing and other critical roles for JCP. I would also like to thank Dr Leslie Citrome for his dedicated leadership in bringing us the ASCP Corner. These manuscripts offer clinically relevant brief reviews of important timely topics.
I would like to emphasize the following as I highlight the exceptional service of all of our colleagues who peer review for JCP:
Peer review is anonymous, making this contribution not only crucial to our field but also altruistic. Those who peer review are responsible for improving our offerings, which inform clinical care and future directions of research that will impact patients and their families.
We know that colleagues who peer review are busy. Their work as clinicians, educators, researchers, and advocates gives them the expertise to peer review and makes their time so valuable in this endeavor.
We deeply appreciate those colleagues who mentor junior colleagues in peer review. It is a learned skill that improves critical thinking, writing, and teaching and is integral to the continued progress of our field.
For junior colleagues who wish to review, please consider reaching out to a mentor and expressing interest to us at JCP. We are confident that peer reviewing will foster career development, and we thank both the mentors and mentees in making this a meaningful experience.
I also would like to thank JCP’s incredible teams on the Publication and CME work and our publisher Dr John Shelton. As we see a proliferation of online journals and challenges faced in the arena of publishing, our team continues to provide diligent care to present high quality work that is intended to improve the lives of the patients and communities we serve.
I wish our entire JCP community—those in the above roles and our valued readers—a joyful and healthy year in 2025.
Marlene P. Freeman, MD
Editor in Chief
![Circle of Honor: Our Highest-Volume Reviewers]()
![Circle of Honor: Our Highest-Volume Reviewers](https://www.psychiatrist.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/note-of-gratitude-new-year-24ed15761-f1.png)
Scott T. Aaronson
Scott A. Freeman
Francisco A. Moreno
Eric D. Achtyes
Pierre Alexis Geoffroy
Bénédicte Nobile
Chittaranjan Andrade
Joseph F. Goldberg
Michael J. Ostacher
Elizabeth D. Ballard
Susan G. Kornstein
Sheldon H. Preskorn
Cristina Cusin
John H. Krystal
Carlos A. Zarate, Jr
Alice Demesmaeker
JCP Peer Reviewers can receive 3 CME AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ for each review that meets the criteria. To learn about peer-reviewing for JCP (and the opportunity to receive CME credit), please visit Psychiatrist.com/information-for-reviewers
Reviewers for The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry
December 5, 2023–December 5, 2024
Scott T. Aaronson
Mu-Hong Chen
Keming Gao
Jenessa N. Johnston
Kathryn M. Abel
Lucia Cheng
Christophe Gauld
Thomas E. Joiner
Anissa Abi-Dargham
Ann C. Childress
Marie Anne Gebara
Fabrice Jollant
Eric D. Achtyes
Leslie Citrome
Timothy J. Geier
C. Danielle Jones
Sri Mahavir Agarwal
Anita H. Clayton
Pierre Alexis Geoffroy
Nobuhisa Kanahara
Adrián Alacreu-Crespo
Kelly L. Coburn
Tony P. George
Jacob Daniel Kanofsky
Carol Alter
Lee S. Cohen
Ellen M. J. Gielkens
Joshua T. Kantrowitz
Honest Anaba
Fanie Collardeau
Lucas Giner
Gary B. Kaplan
Akhil Anand
Rory D. Colman
Anna Glezer
Patrick Gavin Kehoe
Chase T. M. Anderson
Wilson M. Compton
Teddy G. Goetz
John F. Kelly
Chittaranjan Andrade
Susan K. Conroy
Joseph F. Goldberg
Alex S. Keuroghlian
Niki Antypa
Samuele Cortese
Toby D. Goldsmith
Arif Khan
J. Wesson Ashford
William H. Coryell
Benjamin I. Goldstein
Raheleh Khorsan
Rehan Aziz
Ian D. Coulter
Eric Goldwaser
Euitae Kim
Lone Baandrup
Philippe Courtet
Melinda A. Gonzales-Backen
Jae-Min Kim
Elizabeth D. Ballard
Cristina Cusin
Iria Grande
Kyungwon Kim
Richard Balon
Rachel J. Dalthorp
Jon E. Grant
Franklin King
Kennedy M. Balzen
Lori L. Davis
Ashley L. Greene
George Kirov
Anna Bankwitz
Riccardo De Giorgi
Rebecca Grekin
E. David Klonsky
Antonella Bariani
Jose de Leon
Maureen Wimberly Groer
Lauren A. Kobylski
Brian S. Barnett
Alice Demesmaeker
Sandeep Grover
James H. Kocsis
Eric J. Bartky
Jonathan DePierro
Michael F. Grunebaum
Niki A. Konstantinides
Ilya Baryshnikov
D. P. Devanand
Noam Grysman
Nicholas J. Kontos
Raoul Belzeaux
Ester di Giacomo
Aarti Gupta
Susan G. Kornstein
Gregor Berger
Faith B. Dickerson
Rishab Gupta
F. Andrew Kozel
Maja Bergman
Daniel G. Dillon
Gabriella E. Hamlett
Christoph Kraus
Johanna Berthier
Matthew Dobbertin
Liisa Hantsoo
Isabel Kreis
Nadine Bertoni
Keren Doenyas-Barak
Lisa Harding
Michael D. Kritzer
Mahendra T. Bhati
Walter Dunn
Philip D. Harvey
David S. Kroll
Joanna M. Biernacka
George J. DuPaul
Michael E. Henry
John H. Krystal
Kirstin Birtwell
Ayşegül Efe
Jane K. Hensley
P. N. Suresh Kumar
Luísa Weber Bisol
Wissam El-Hage
Caroline B. B. C. M. Heuschen
Veena Kumari
Joshua C. Black
Rif S. El-Mallakh
Catriona Hippman
Noriomi Kuroki
Joshua Bloom
Yuichi Esaki
Laura Hofmann
Javier Labad
Joseph W. Boffa
Gemma D. Espejo
Charlotte S. Hogan
Steven J. Lamontagne
Delaney R. Brainerd
Justin Faden
Annika Holmberg
Danielle N. Larson
Bodyl A. Brand
Andrea Fagiolini
Melanie A. Hom
Sean A. Lauderdale
David A. Brent
Nichole Fairbrother
Hikaru Hori
Sharon V. Lavigne
Hannah E. Brown
Maurizio Fava
Connie Hsaio
Ryan E. Lawrence
Ronny Bruffaerts
Elizabeth A. Fenstermacher
Andrew Huang
Hang Lee
Raffaella Calati
Robert L. Findling
Steven Huege
Sheng-Yu Lee
Joan A. Camprodon
Sarah K. Fineberg
Joel W. Hughes
Michael B. Lensing
Andrew D. Carlo
Julian D. Ford
Bithaiah Inyang
Eric J. Lenze
Stanley N. Caroff
David Fraguas
Erkki T. Isometsä
Stefan Leucht
Shu-Sen Chang
Marlene P. Freeman
Osamu Itani
Gwen Levitt
Wing Chung Chang
Scott A. Freeman
Esti Iturralde
Charles P. Lewis
Miriam Chasson
Alexis French
Shailesh Jain
Carol Lim
Martin D. Cheatle
Florian Freudenberg
Oluwole Jegede
Paul S. Links
Hong-Lin Chen
B. Christopher Frueh
Manish Kumar Jha
Guodong Liu
Hua Chen
Allison E. Gaffey
Qingyu Jiang
Muruga Loganathan
Leonardo López
Edward V. Nunes
Luigi F. Saccaro
Robert J. Waldinger
Jorge Lopez-Castroman
Brittany O’Brien
Floyd R. Sallee
Rachel F. L. Walsh
Andrea Lopez-Yianilos
Emilie Olié
Juliette Salles
Wei Wang
Courtney C. Louis
Joseph O’Neill
Erika F. H. Saunders
Yael Wasserzug
Lin Lu
Jahla Osborne
Elizabeth Schneider
Laura E. Watkins
Mario Luciano
Lauren M. Osborne
Nina R. Schooler
Lindell K. Weaver
Zijuan Ma
Michael J. Ostacher
James G. Scott
Peter J. Weiden
Naoise Mac Giollabhui
Robert B. Ostroff
Robert Taylor Segraves
Jamie Drew Weinand
Karen A. Mack
Lijing Ouyang
Stephen J. Seiner
Timothy E. Wilens
Gin S. Malhi
Cecilia Serena Pace
Alireza A. Shamshirsaz
Samuel T. Wilkinson
Mansoor Malik
George I. Papakostas
M. Tracie Shea
Shannon Wiltsey Stirman
Johanna C. Malone
Pallav Pareek
Richard C. Shelton
T. John Winhusen
Oommen Mammen
Joel Paris
Brian Shiner
Katherine L. Wisner
Peter Manu
Margaret M. Paschen-Wolff
Christopher Sikes-Keilp
Ambika Yadav
John C. Markowitz
Rikinkumar S. Patel
Edward Silberman
Haidong Yang
Elliot Marseille
Tapan A. Patel
Balwinder Singh
Justin C. Yang
Andrés Martin
Jane Gregory Payne
Lauren M. Sippel
Mani Yavi
Pilar Martín
Jennifer L. Payne
Ryszard Sitarz
Karen Yirmiya
Sara R. Masland
Aderonke Bamgbose
Denise M. Sloan
Dong Keon Yon
David Mataix-Cols
Holly Christina Smith
Allan H. Young
William V. McCall
Jacob Peedicayil
Marie Soller
Benjamin Yudkoff
Matthew L. McCue
Noah S. Philip
Charles South
Weihua Yue
Susan L. McElroy
Robert H. Pietrzak
Marie Spies
Erin K. Zahradnik
Alexander McGirr
Steven R. Pliszka
Bahadar Singh Srichawla
Abraham Zangen
Roger S. McIntyre
Mark H. Pollack
Murray B. Stein
Carlos A. Zarate, Jr
Alan Meca
Maurizio Pompili
Stephen M. Strakowski
Mark Zimmerman
Gunther Meinlschmidt
Alejandro Porras-Segovia
Robertas Strumila
André Zugman
Andrew W. Meisler
Roger Pottanat
Ryan S. Sultan
Zachary D. Zuschlag
Laura Melzer
Victoria Powell
Craig Surman
Liza C. Zwiebach
Xiangfei Meng
Adrian Preda
Holly A. Swartz
Summer Mengelkoch
Sheldon H. Preskorn
James A. Swartz
Sarah Meshberg-Cohen
Ross J. Purple
Yoshiteru Takekita
Roger E. Meyer
Nevena V. Radonjić
Carol A. Tamminga
Briana Mezuk
Edwin R. Raffi
Rajesh R. Tampi
Barbara L. Milrod
Ansa Talvikki Rantanen
S. Darius Tandon
Ludovico Mineo
Mark Hyman Rapaport
Jun Tang
David Mischoulon
Murray A. Raskind
Yi-Lang Tang
Itaru Miura
Collin Reiff
John B. Taylor
Francisco A. Moreno
Gavin P. Reynolds
Michael E. Thase
Michael Murphy
Taeho Greg Rhee
Megan M. Thomas
James W. Murrough
Stéphane Richard-Devantoy
Joseph E. Thornton
Meghan Musselman
Erin Richardson
Phern-Chern Tor
Peter J. Na
Martin Køster Rimvall
Chintan Trivedi
Roser Nadal
David Roe
Rudolf Uher
Shinichiro Nakajima
Alix Romier
Stephanie Valcourt
Henry A. Nasrallah
Dharjinder Rooprai
Andrew D. van der Vaart
Abubakar Nazir
Jerrold F. Rosenbaum
Rachel Vanderkruik
J. Craig Nelson
Anthony J. Rothschild
Sindhura Vangala
Charles B. Nemeroff
Thiago Henrique Roza
Eva Velthorst
René Ernst Nielsen
Jose M. Rubio
Leandro F. Vendruscolo
Andrew A. Nierenberg
Anne Ruminjo
Thomas Villemonteix
Rodrigo R. Nieto
Bo Runeson
Theodore Vlanianos
Bénédicte Nobile
Michel Sabé
Viktor Voros
Article Information
Published Online: January 29, 2025.
© 2025 Physicians Postgraduate Press, Inc.
To Cite: Freeman MP. A collaborative endeavor. J Clin Psychiatry. 2025;86(1):24ed15761.
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