Clinical utility of novel diabetes subgroups in predicting vascular complications and mortality: up to 25 years of follow-up of the HUNT Study

In this population-based prospective cohort study, we examined whether assigning individuals with adult-onset diabetes to data-driven clusters as suggested by Ahlqvist et al could provide more personalized prediction of late complications in a general diabetes population with varying diabetes durations. Across up to 25 years of follow-up, we confirmed associations between diabetes clusters and different risks of vascular complications; however, for most outcomes these differences disappeared when adjusting for HbA1c or for commonly measured cardiovascular risk factors. Finally, for every outcome, we found individual established risk factors to provide at least as good prediction as the diabetes clusters.

Several studies have demonstrated associations between the ANDIS clusters and diabetic complications, but few investigated whether these associations provide better prediction of outcomes than conventional risk factors. In an RCT population with up to 5 years of follow-up, Dennis et al found age at diagnosis to be better at predicting glycemic progression, and baseline eGFR to be better at predicting chronic kidney disease, compared with the clusters.6 Lugner et al found nine cardiovascular risk factors combined (not including HOMA2 estimates or C-peptide) to be better at predicting CVD or mortality than four clusters formed based on the same nine variables (C-index 0.77 vs 0.66 for both CVD and mortality, with a median follow-up time of 5.2 years).23 However, it is not so surprising that such continuous variables outperform clusters when age is not included as a covariate in the prediction models. Since age is the most important risk factor for several of the outcomes measured, when excluding age as a covariate, variables that have a strong association with age (such as age at diagnosis, eGFR and systolic blood pressure) could appear to have a mistakenly important predictive value. Thus, we chose to include age, sex and diabetes duration (variables that are usually readily available in a clinical or research setting) as adjustment variables in every model. This resulted in smaller differences in C-index and R2 between models, since a large contribution to the prediction models was provided by the adjustment variables alone. Still, clusters did not provide better prediction of vascular complications than established cardiometabolic risk factors as continuous variables. This was true both for clusters formed ‘de novo’ in our population, and for clusters formed based on cluster center coordinates from ANDIS. Even the models that included one single continuous clinical variable (in addition to the adjustment variables), such as HbA1c or fasting C-peptide, yielded performance estimates that indicated they performed at least as well as the clusters.

Although the original cluster analysis in ANDIS was performed in participants with short duration of diabetes, Ahlqvist et al suggested that clusters could be stable over time and demonstrated similar clusters in a cohort of participants with longer diabetes duration.1 However, we found cluster variables to be associated with diabetes duration, in line with studies on diabetes pathophysiology demonstrating a progressive loss of beta cell function starting years prior to diagnosis and progressing throughout the course of disease,24 and a gradual increase in HbA1c as the disease progresses, even when using glucose-lowering medication.25 The fact that clusters were not stable over time could be a contributing explanation for their poor predictive ability.

Our study informs about the predictive utility of clusters when applied to a general adult population with varying diabetes durations, and the predictive ability may be better when cluster variables are obtained at the time of diagnosis. Nonetheless, we found similar results when we restricted our analysis to the 502 participants with short duration of diabetes. The association between cluster variables and diabetes duration could represent a problem to clustering in newly diagnosed individuals as well. Since time of diagnosis does not directly represent neither the time of onset of hyperglycemia, nor the onset of the disease processes leading up to the development of hyperglycemia,24 cluster assignment in newly diagnosed individuals is also likely to, to some degree, reflect the duration of the pathological process underlying diabetes. For instance, it seems likely that some participants with a very high HbA1c at diagnosis have had a longer duration of undiagnosed diabetes.

In line with findings from previous studies, the SIRD subgroup had an increased risk of chronic kidney disease.1 5 8 This increased risk persisted after adjusting for HbA1c. Furthermore, second to baseline eGFR, we found the variables associated with insulin resistance, such as HOMA2 estimates of insulin resistance, fasting C-peptide, and triglyceride/HDL ratio, to be the continuous variables that gave the highest C-index and R2 for the prediction of chronic kidney disease. These findings support previous evidence indicating a link between insulin resistance and chronic kidney disease, independent of the degree of hyperglycemia.26 27 On the other hand, the excess risks of complications for the SIDD subgroup seemed to a large degree to be mediated by their higher HbA1c, a well-established risk factor for diabetic complications.25 It should be noted that the association between the SAID subgroup and retinopathy persisted after adjusting for HbA1c and cardiovascular risk factors, which could indicate an association between beta cell insufficiency and an increased risk of retinopathy, regardless of glycemic control. In support of this, HOMA2-B and fasting C-peptide as continuous variables yielded similar C-indexes for retinopathy as HbA1c. However, although guidelines for screening for retinopathy are similar for patients with type 1 or type 2 diabetes, we cannot rule out that there are differences in follow-up between these groups of patients that could affect the time to retinopathy diagnosis.

For new subgroups to be implemented in clinical practice there should be robust evidence demonstrating their feasibility and utility in treatment, follow-up, or surveillance of patients. One should also consider the psychological impact for patients being assigned to a ‘mild’ or ‘severe’ subgroup of diabetes. The study by Ahlqvist et al has provided valuable insights into the heterogeneity of type 2 diabetes and its vascular complications and brought attention to the need for more personalized treatment of these patients. However, the results of our study suggest that the predictive value of the clusters, when derived from a general diabetes population with varying durations of the disease, is insufficient for clinical implementation aimed at predicting vascular complications. Our study did not investigate other potential uses of these clusters, such as their ability to predict treatment response to glucose-lowering medication.

Strengths and limitations

The population-based study design captures a general diabetes population, with all adult ages and durations of diabetes included, mimicking a clinical setting. Furthermore, linkage to local and national registers using unique national identity numbers provides the opportunity to follow-up all participants until the end of the study period, or until emigration or death, resulting in up to 25 years of follow-up. GAD antibodies were not measured at the time of diagnosis, but at the time of study participation. Thus, some participants with autoimmune diabetes and longer diabetes duration could have lost their GAD antibodies prior to the HUNT examination, resulting in misclassification.28 However, the fact that the sensitivity analysis including participants with only short duration of diabetes yielded similar results could suggest that this potential misclassification does not substantially alter the results. The diagnoses of retinopathy, myocardial infarction and stroke relied on ICD codes from hospitals, private practicing specialists, and death certificates, which could result in some misclassification. The HOMA2 model to estimate insulin resistance and beta cell function has several limitations and has not been validated for use in persons on glucose-lowering medications.29 Also, direct comparison of C-peptide levels and thus HOMA2 estimates between different laboratories can be challenging due to the use of different assays. However, these are common limitations to studies investigating diabetes subgroups based on HOMA2 estimates. At baseline, 27% of participants reported not using glucose-lowering medication, likely indicating a mild diabetes, and thus our follow-up time may have been too short to detect late complications in these. This proportion was, however, similar to findings from a population-based study from Norway with data from 2005 and 2014,30 indicating that our sample may be representative for a general Norwegian diabetes population.

The use of insulin, oral glucose-lowering medications and antihypertensive medication differed between subgroups at baseline. We did not have information on the use of lipid-lowering medication, nor in changes in the use of medication during follow-up. It is possible that differences in treatment could mask or attenuate differences in risks of complications between subgroups and influence the estimates for the predictive abilities of clusters and other risk factors. However, if this is the case, it should be noted that the choice of glucose-lowering agents and the decision to start preventive medications for CVD must have been made without knowledge on the individuals’ subgroup affiliation, indicating that physicians have been able to correctly identify high-risk individuals without using diabetes clusters.

Finally, recent studies have investigated diabetes clusters formed based on genetic information, and future studies will show if these genetic clusters may be useful for prediction of complications and feasible for clinical implementation.2 31 32

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