E.N. is funded by the Wellcome Trust (grant number 222999/Z/21/Z) and is a recipient of the Google award for “Support for Socially Impactful Research Enabled by AlphaFold.” K.C.C. and N.V.R. did not receive funding for this study. We would like to extend our gratitude to the selected participants of the workshop, as well as those who were not selected but graciously consented to the processing of their data for this publication. We also want to thank the Swedish Research Council (grant number 2022-02985 to J.J.G.) and Formas (grant number 2022-02341 to J.J.G.) for sponsoring the workshop. In addition, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to J. Mason of Google DeepMind for organizing an insightful and impactful presentation, along with a valuable Q&A session. We also extend our thanks to O. Kovalevskiy and R. Evans for delivering the Google DeepMind lecture and for addressing the participants’ questions about AlphaFold. Our thanks also go to W. Miller and J. Rodrigues from Schrödinger for delivering an engaging lecture and demonstration on small-molecule screening. Finally, we would like to extend our sincere thanks to S. Tata and the entire staff at Krystal Palace Hotel, Douala, Cameroon, for their invaluable support in ensuring the smooth running of the workshop.
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