Infographic. Enhancing performance and stability: the role of abdominal binding in wheelchair rugby

This infographic offers guidance for sports practitioners and wheelchair rugby (WR) players to enhance performance and stability during WR using abdominal binders. The Paralympic sport of WR is played by individuals with an impairment that affects all four limbs, including cervical spinal cord injuries (SCIs) (tetraplegia), limb deficiencies, polio, cerebral palsy and other neurological disorders. SCI results in lesion-dependent impairments in cardiorespiratory, musculoskeletal and autonomic function, due to disruption of the neural pathways that control these systems. This impairment can manifest in many ways, including reduced lung capacity, decreased cardiovascular capacity and a loss of trunk stability. Abdominal binding may partially offset impaired cardiorespiratory function and reduced or loss of trunk stability in highly trained Para athletes with SCI, despite …

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