Utility of Chimeric Mice with Humanized Livers for Predicting Hepatic Organic Anion-Transporting Polypeptide 1B-Mediated Clinical Drug-Drug Interactions [Articles]


The influence of transporters on the pharmacokinetics of drugs is being increasingly recognized, and drug-drug interactions (DDIs) via modulation of transporters could lead to clinical adverse events. Organic anion-transporting polypeptide 1B (OATP1B) is a liver-specific uptake transporter in humans that can transport a broad range of substrates, including statins. It is a challenge to predict OATP1B-mediated DDIs using preclinical animal models because of species differences in substrate specificity and abundance levels of transporters. PXB-mice are chimeric mice with humanized livers that are highly repopulated with human hepatocytes and have been widely used for drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics studies in drug discovery. In the present study, we measured the exposure increases [blood AUC (area under the blood/plasma concentration-time curve) and Cmax] of 10 OATP1B substrates in PXB-mice upon coadministration with rifampin, a potent OATP1B specific inhibitor. These data in PXB-mice were then compared with the observed DDIs between OATP1B substrates and single-dose rifampin in humans. Our findings suggest that the DDIs between OATP1B substrates and rifampin in PXB-mouse are comparable with the observed DDIs in the clinic. Since most OATP1B substrates are metabolized by cytochromes P450 (CYPs) and/or are substrates of P-glycoprotein (P-gp), we further validated the utility of PXB-mice to predict complex DDIs involving inhibition of OATP1B, CYPs, and P-gp using cyclosporin A (CsA) and gemfibrozil as perpetrators. Overall, the data support that the chimeric mice with humanized livers could be a useful tool for the prediction of hepatic OATP1B-mediated DDIs in humans.

SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT The ability of PXB-mouse with humanized liver to predict organic anion-transporting polypeptide 1B (OATP1B)-mediated drug-drug interactions (DDIs) in humans was evaluated. The blood exposure increases of 10 OATP1B substrates with rifampin, an OATP1B inhibitor, in PXB-mice have a good correlation with those observed in humans. More importantly, PXB-mice can predict complex DDIs, including inhibition of OATP1B, cytochromes P450 (CYPs), and P-glycoprotein (P-gp) in humans. PXB-mice are a promising useful tool to assess OATP1B-mediated clinical DDIs.

FootnotesReceived May 15, 2024.Accepted August 1, 2024.

The work was supported by Vertex Pharmaceutical Company Limited and Chimeric Mouse with Humanized Liver (CMHL) Consortium.

Y.M. is an employee of PhoenixBio USA Corporation. He provided PXB-mice but did not have any additional role in conducting the experiment, performing the data analysis, and preparing the manuscript. All other authors (B.F., G.L., C.Z., S.L., H.H., J.W., H.G., S.K.) declare no competing interest.


Copyright © 2024 by The American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics

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