"How will lung cancer screening and lung nodule management change the diagnostic and surgical lung cancer landscape?". G. Hardavella, A. Frille, R. Chalela, K.B. Sreter, R.H. Petersen, N. Novoa and H.J. de Koning. Eur Respir Rev 2024; 33: 230232.

This article from the April 2024 issue of the European Respiratory Review was published without a complete conflict of interest statement for René H. Petersen. The conflict of interest statement is as follows.

Conflict of interest: R.H. Petersen reports speaker fees from Medtronic, Medela, AstraZeneca, and AMBU; and advisory board memberships for AstraZeneca, MSD, BMS, and Roche. The remaining authors have nothing to disclose.

The article has been corrected and republished online.


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