Enhancement of covalent triazine framework containing S heteroatom for photocatalytic hydrogen evolution: The role of composite PEG

Covalent triazine frameworks (CTFs) containing S heteroatom are promising materials for applications in photocatalysis due to their donor-acceptor-type structures, which can improve the mobility of carriers in polymers. Herein, a series of composites (TTBT-COF@PEGx, X = 10, 20, and 30) were prepared based on CTF containing S heteroatoms and polyethylene glycol (PEG) by a two-step reaction. The results show that the photocatalytic hydrogen evolution rate of TTBT-COF@PEG30 is 1.51 times that of pristine TTBT-COF. The significantly improvement was attribute to PEG in the pores, which results in stable layered structure, reduced distortion and deformation of the skeleton, and rapid separation and transportation of photogenerated electron-holes.

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