A review on surface modulation of MXenes with adjustable work functions and stability

As the exploration of two-dimensional materials research, MXenes has drawn substantial attention from the scientists due to its distinctive properties and extensive application prospects. Notably, its inherent surface adjustable ability makes the tuning of various properties possibly such as work function and stability, which can be tailored to specific application. The objective of this review is to systematically investigate the methodologies for modulating the surface terminations of MXenes and explore the impact on their properties such as work function and stability. Initially, we summarized the fundamental characteristics and comprehensively delineated the experimental methods of controlling the surface terminations of MXenes, including the preparation methods and post-treatments, and summarized the properties of MXenes obtained by these distinct methods. Then, the effects of different types of surface terminations on the properties of MXenes were investigated, including the analysis of work function and stability and its mechanism, and comparisons between experimentally and theoretically analysis results were conducted. Finally, a summary and outlook on the regulation of MXene surface terminations and their impact on the MXenes’ characters were provided. This comprehensive review holds significant value for elucidating the control mechanisms of MXenes surface terminations, and for paving the way towards the development of novel MXene-based material.

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