Spin polarization strategy regulates heterogeneous catalytic activity performance: from fundamental to application

In recent years, there has been significant attention towards the development of catalysts that exhibit superior performance and environmentally friendly attributes. This surge in interest is driven by the growing demands for energy utilization and storage as well as environmental preservation. Spin polarization plays a crucial role in catalyst design, comprehension of catalytic mechanisms, and reaction control, offering novel insights for the design of highly efficient catalysts. However, there are still some significant research gaps in the current study of spin catalysis. Therefore, it is urgent to understand how spin polarization impacts catalytic reaction to develop superior performance catalysts. Herein, we take a comprehensive summarization of the application of spin polarization in catalysis. Firstly, we summarize the fundamental mechanism of spin polarization in catalytic reaction from two aspects of kinetics and thermodynamics. Additionally, we review the regulation mechanism of spin polarization in various catalytic applications and several approaches to modulate spin polarization. Moreover, we prospect the future development of spin polarization in catalysis and proposes several potential avenues for further progress. We aim to improve current catalytic systems through implementing a novel and distinctive spin engineering strategy.

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