Revision of the Neotropical Obscure Genus Ebenia Macquart 1846 (Diptera, Tachinidae, Dufouriini)

1 - Eyes with conspicuous setulae (Fig. 7b; 8b) … 2.

- Eyes bare, or practically bare, at most with very short and widely scattered setulae… 3.

2 - Thorax without pruinosity, wing smoky, abdomen with silvery pruinosity occupying just anterior margin of each tergite, about 1/5 of each segment laterally (Fig, 7a, c) … E. nigripennis comb. nov.

- Thorax with silver pruinosity, wing hyaline, abdomen with silvery pruinosity almost reaching posterior margin laterally on each tergite (Fig. 8a, c) … E. striaticollis comb. nov.

3 - Prosternum with setulae … 4.

- Prosternum bare … 5.

4 - Wing with vein R4+5 with setulae beyond or at the level of r-m dorsally, wing hyaline (Fig. 1a, c). … E. claripennis.

- Wing with vein R4+5 with setulae ending about ¼ to crossvein r-m dorsally, wing smoky (Fig. 3a, c) … E. fumata.

5 - Abdominal tergites without pruinosity, brownish black (Fig. 9a, c; 10 a, c) … E. spinosa.

- Abdominal tergites with silvery pruinosity, better visible on posterodorsal view, blackish (Fig. 4a, c) … E. neofumata.

Ebenia claripennis Macquart 1846a, b

(Figs. 1 and 2).

Fig. 1figure 1

Ebenia claripennis Macquart 1846a, b, male from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (MZSP). A. dorsal habitus. B. head, frontal view. C. lateral habitus

Fig. 2figure 2

Ebenia claripennis Macquart 1846a, b, Veracruz, Mexico (ARC). Male terminalia. A. epandrium, cerci and surstylus, posterior view. B. ejaculatory apodeme. C. epandrium, cerci, surstylus, hypandrium, phallapodeme, basiphallus, epiphallus, distiphallus, pregonite and postgonite, lateral view. Abbreviations: basph = basiphallus; cerc = cercus; distph = distiphallus; ej apod = ejaculatory apodeme; epand = epandrium; epiph = epiphallus; hypd = hypandrium; pgt = postgonite; phapod = phallapodeme; pregt = pregonite; sur = surstylus

Ebenia claripennis Macquart 1846a: 299 (also published separately in b: 171). References. Brauer (1898: 515, diagnostic traits); Townsend (1893: 22, catalogue); Thompson (1963: 478, redescription of male; 480, description of first instar larva); Guimarães 1971: 109, catalogue); O’Hara et al. (2020: 93, checklist of World Tachinidae); Santis & Nihei (2022, phylogenetic analysis).

Described from an unspecified number of females from “Brésil” [Brazil] from the collection of “M. Bigot”, which is the private collection of Jacques-Marie-Frangile Bigot. Bigot’s collection is mostly in the NHMUK and a smaller fraction in the OUMNH; all tachinids are deposited at NHMUK (Crosskey 1971). For a complete explanation of the acquisition of Bigot’s collection by the NHMUK, the reader can consult Crosskey (1971).

At the NHMUK Diptera collection there is a single female that bears the usual label from Macquart that indicates a type specimen and includes the suffix “n.g., n.sp.” after the name [“Ebenia claripennis ♀”] and the additional label of Bigot indicating the specific name and the sex symbol towards the top, the type-locality on the bottom left [“Brésil”] and authority of the species at the bottom right [“Macq.”]. Although there is a label attached to this specimen that indicates that this is a “Holotype”, Macquart did not restrict the name-bearing type to a single specimen and no lectotype fixation has been published subsequently. Thus, the “holotype” in NHMUK is technically a syntype (see Recommendation 73F of the Code (ICZN 1999), “Avoidance of assumption of holotype”).

In the interests of nomenclatural stability and to restrict the name to a single specimen, female syntype in NHMUK is herein designated as lectotype of Ebenia claripennis Macquart 1846a, b.

The current combination for this species is Ebenia claripennis Macquart 1846a, b.

Type material examined

Lectotype ♀: “Holo-/ type”; “Ebenia/ claripennis/ ♀. n. g. nov. sp.” [handwritten]; “Ebenia claripennis ♀/ Brésil Macq.” [handwritten]; “Ebenia/ claripennis Macq./ holotype ♀/ Brazil [handwritten]/ ex. Bigot Coll:/ B.M.1960–539.”

Lectotype in poor condition. Specimen molded, with head, legs and abdomen detached from pinned thorax.

Additional examined material

MEXICO. Veracruz: Acayucan, 1 ♂, 23.x.1957, R. & R. Dreisbach (ARC); BRAZIL. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Friburgo, 26.4.1937, 1 ♂, S. Lopes col. (MZSP), Universidade Rural do Rio de Janeiro, 1 ♂, 24.v.1961, Deak col (MZSP).

Diagnosis. Eyes with very small and widely scattered setulae. Fronto-orbital plate dark silver pruinose. Postpedicel entirely dark brown. Facial ridge with setulae only at base. Prosternum with setulae. Thorax with silver pruinosity. Wing hyaline; vein R4+5 with setulae beyond the cross-vein r-m. Costal spine developed. Abdomen light brown with silvery pruinosity anteriorly on tergites 3 to 5. Male terminalia with surstylus bearing short spines laterally on posterior view.

Redescription of male.

Coloration (Fig. 1): Occiput with silver pruinosity. Head with dark silver pruinosity. Scape light brown and pedicel dark brown. Postpedicel dark brown. Arista dark brown, but proximal 1/5 light brown. Palpus tawny to yellowish. Labellum light brown, prementum shiny black. Scutum brownish, but presutural region and anterodorsal portion of postsutural region with brownish-silvery pruinosity; presutural region with five brownish-black vittae, the three central ones narrow and the two peripheral ones broad. Scutellum brownish. Wing hyaline. Tegula light brown, basicosta yellow. Halter yellowish-brown. Posterior spiracle light-brown. Legs brownish. Upper and lower calypters hyaline. Abdomen light brown with anterolateral silver pruinosity on tergites 3 to 5.

Head (Fig. 1): Vertex about 0.18 × head width in dorsal view. Width of parafacial, measured at distance between inner margin of eye and antennal insertion, 2 × height of gena. Postpedicel about 1.5 × the combined lengths of scape and pedicel. Frontal vitta narrowed dorsally. Eye about 0.8 × the head height. Gena about 0.12 × eye height. Prementum about 0.5 × head height. Labellum developed, about 0.1x as long as prementum.

Thorax (Fig. 1a, c): Acrostichal setae 3 + 3 (first presutural seta weak). Dorsocentral setae 2 + 2. Prosternum setulose. Setulose. Wing. Costal spine poorly developed. Vein R4+5 with setulae dorsally beyond vein r-m and ventrally at base. Legs. Fore femur with posterodorsal and posteroventral rows of setae; fore tibia with 7 median anterodorsal, 1 posteroventral in distal third, 3 preapical, 2 anterodorsal and 1 posteroventral setae. Mid tibia with 4 anteroventral, 4 posteroventral setae on apical third; mid femur with anterodorsal setae on apical third, 2 preapical, and 2 posteroventral setae. Hind femur with posterodorsal and posteroventral rows of setae. Hind tibia with rows of anterodorsal (6) and posterodrosal setae (6), 3 submedian posteroventral, 4 preapical, 2 anterodorsal, and 2 posteroventral setae.

Abdomen (Fig. 1a, c): Syntergite 1 + 2 with mid-dorsal longitudinal depression extending until ¼ to posterior margin. Syntergite 1 + 2 with at least 4 pairs of lateral marginal setae; tergite 3 with at least 4 pairs of lateral marginal setae and a pair of median marginal seta.

Terminalia (Fig. 2): Sternite 5 with slightly developed lobules, setulose, with basal plate long and slightly curved (Fig. 2a, c); sensilla “trichodea” present on distal portion. Epandrium broad in posterior view, setulose, and closed dorsally. Surstylus somewhat narrow, not fused with epandrium, convex, setulose in posterior view and with eight short spines laterally on frontal view; distally tapered in lateral view. Extension of dorsal sclerite of distiphallus ending in an expanded region.

Female. Differs from male as follows: head with fronto-orbital plate about twice larger as the male, two proclinate and two reclinate orbital setae. Abdomen shorter and broader than male.

First instar larvae. A complete description was given by Thompson (1963: 480), and the reader is referred to that work.

Biology. Parasitoid of Coleoptera larvae. A specimen from MZSP is pinned with a larva of undetermined species of Hispinae (Chrysomelidae) with a puparium of E. claripennis inside it.

Distribution. Mexico (Veracruz, new record), Trinidad & Tobago and Brazil (Rio de Janeiro, new record).

Ebenia fumata (Wulp 1891).

(Fig. 3).

Fig. 3figure 3

Ebenia fumata (Wulp 1891), holotype male (NHMUK). A. Dorsal habitus. B. head, frontal view. C. labels; D. lateral habitus

Morinia fumata Wulp 1891: 261. References. Guimarães 1971: 110, catalogue – as an unplaced species of “Ebeniini”); O’Hara et al. (2020: 93, checklist of World Tachinidae – new combination as Ebenia).

Type material examined

Holotype ♂: “Holo-/ type”; “♂”; “Teapa,/ Tabasco./ Feb. H.H.S.”; “Central America./ Pres. by/ F.D.Godman./ O.Salvin./ 1903–172.”; “B.C.A. Dipt.II./ Morinia/ fumata,/ v.d. W.”; “NHMUK 013933632”. Holotype in good condition.

Additional examined material

COSTA RICA. Guanacaste: P.N. Rincón de la Vieja, Sect. Santa Maria, Send. Pailas, Agua Fria, 800 m, 10.xi.2001, 1 ♂, D. Briceño & Libre L., L.N_305475_392908 #65,644 (MNCR).

Diagnosis. Eyes with very small and widely scattered setulae. Fronto-orbital plate dark silver pruinose. Postpedicel entirely dark brown. Facial ridge with setulae only at base. Prosternum with setulae. Thorax with silver pruinosity. Wing smoky; with vein R4+5 with setulae about ¼ halfway to crossvein r-m. Costal spine poorly developed. Abdomen light brown with silvery pruinosity anteriorly on tergites 3 to 5.

Redescription of holotype male.

Coloration (Fig. 3a–b, d): Occiput with silver pruinosity. Head with dark silver pruinosity. Scape light brown and pedicel dark brown. Postpedicel dark brown. Arista dark brown, but proximal 1/5 light brown. Palpus yellowish. Labellum light brown, prementum shiny black. Scutum brownish, but presutural region and anterodorsal portion of postsutural region with brownish-silvery pruinosity; presutural region with five brownish-black vittae, the three central ones narrow and the two peripheral ones broad. Scutellum brownish. Wing smoky on apical region. Tegula and basicosta dark brown. Halter yellowish. Posterior spiracle light-brown. Legs brownish. Upper and lower calypters hyaline. Abdomen light brown with anterolateral silver pruinosity on tergites 3 to 5.

Head (Fig. 3a–b, d): Vertex about 0.12 × head width in dorsal view. Width of parafacial, measured at distance between inner margin of eye and antennal insertion, 2 × height of gena. Fronto-orbital plate with setulae throughout its length. Frontal vitta narrowed dorsally. Eye about 0.9 × the head height. Gena about 0.12 × eye height. Prementum about 0.5 × head height. Labellum developed, about 0.1x as long as prementum.

Thorax (Fig. 3a, d): Acrostichal setae 3 + 3 (first presutural seta weak). Dorsocentral setae 2 + 2. Prosternum setulose. Wing. Costal spine poorly developed. Vein R4+5 with setulae dorsally about ¼ halfway to crossvein and ventrally at base. Legs. Fore femur with posterodorsal and posteroventral rows of setae; fore tibia with 7 median anterodorsal, 1 posteroventral in distal third, 3 preapical, 2 anterodorsal and 1 posteroventral setae. Mid tibia with 3 anteroventral, 3 posteroventral setae on apical third; mid femur with anterodorsal setae on apical third, 2 preapical, and 2 posteroventral setae. Hind femur with posterodorsal and posteroventral rows of setae. Hind tibia with 2 long submedian anteroventral setae and 2 short apical setae, 4 preapical, 2 anterodorsal, and 2 posteroventral setae.

Abdomen (Fig. 3a, d): Syntergite 1 + 2 with mid-dorsal longitudinal depression extending until ¼ to posterior margin. Syntergite 1 + 2 with at least 4 pairs of lateral marginal setae; tergite 3 with at least 4 pairs of lateral marginal setae and a pair of median marginal seta.

Female. Unknown.

Biology. Unknown.

Distribution. Mexico (Tabasco) and Costa Rica (Guanacaste, new record).

Ebenia neofumata Santis & Nihei 2022

(Figs. 4 and 5).

Fig. 4figure 4

Ebenia neofumata Santis & Nihei 2022, male from Guanacaste, Costa Rica. A. Dorsal habitus. B. head, frontal view. C. lateral habitus

Fig. 5figure 5

Ebenia neofumata Santis & Nihei 2022, Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Male terminalia. A. epandrium, cerci and surstylus, posterior view. B. syntergosternite 7 + 8, sternite 6 and tergite 6. C. sternite 5. D. ejaculatory apodeme; E. epandrium, cerci, surstylus, hypandrium, phallapodeme, basiphallus, epiphallus, distiphallus, pregonite and postgonite, lateral view

Ebenia neofumata Santis & Nihei 2022: 33. Nomem novum by Santis & Nihei (2022) for Comyopsis fumata Townsend 1919.

Comyopsis fumata, Townsend 1919: 176. References. Thompson (1963: 475, redescription of male; 477, description of first instar larva); Guimarães 1971: 109, catalogue); Maes (1989: 23, catalogue of parasitoids from Nicaragua); O’Hara et al. (2020: 93, checklist of World Tachinidae); Santis & Nihei (2022, phylogenetic analysis).

Additional examined material

COSTA RICA. Guanacaste: P.N. Rincón de la Vieja, Sect. Santa Maria, Send. Pailas, Agua Fria, 800 m, 2–5.x.2001, 1 ♂, D. Briceño & Libre L., L.N_305475_392908 #64,949 (MNCR).

Diagnosis. Eyes with only a few, scattered short setulae. Fronto-orbital plate dark silver pruinose. Postpedicel entirely dark brown. Facial ridge with setulae only at base. Prosternum bare. Thorax with silver pruinosity. Wing smoky; vein R4+5 with setulae ending at the r-m. Costal spine very long, about 3 × the length of adjacent setae. Abdomen blackish, with silver pruinosity only visible on posterior view, occupying about anterior half of tergite 3 and 4. Male terminalia with surstylus setulose in frontal view.

Redescription of male.

Coloration (Fig. 4): Occiput with silver pruinosity. Head with dark silver pruinosity. Antenna dark brown. Arista dark brown, but proximal 1/5 light brown. Palpus dark brown. Labellum light brown, prementum shiny black. Scutum brownish, but posterior part of the postpronotal lobe silvery pruinose. Wing smoky. Calypters smoky. Tegula and basicosta dark brown. Halter yellowish-brown. Posterior spiracle light-brown. Legs brownish black. Upper and lower calypters smoky to dark brown. Abdomen blackish, with silver pruinosity only visible on posterior view, occupying about anterior half of tergite 3 and 4.

Head (Fig. 4): Vertex about 0.13 × head width in dorsal view. Width of parafacial, measured at distance between inner margin of eye and antennal insertion, 2 × height of gena. Fronto-orbital plate with setulae throughout its length. Frontal vitta narrowed dorsally. Eye about 0.85 × the head height. Gena about 0.12 × eye height. Prementum about 0.5 × head height. Labellum developed, about 0.1x as long as prementum.

Thorax (Fig. 4a, c): Acrostichal setae 2 + 1. Dorsocentral setae 2 + 2. Setulose. Anepisternum with one seat on anterior upward region. Wing. Costal spine very long, about 3 × the length of adjacent setae. Vein R4+5 with setulae ending just at the r-m. Legs. Fore femur with posterodorsal and posteroventral rows of setae; fore tibia with a row of anterodorsal setae, 3 preapical, 2 anterodorsal and 1 posteroventral setae. Mid tibia with 5 anteroventral, 5 posteroventral setae on apical third; mid femur with 2 posterodorsal setae and 1 anteroventral setae on distal third, 2 preapical, and 2 posteroventral setae. Hind femur with posterodorsal and posteroventral rows of setae. Hind femur with a row of 8 anteroventral, 8 posteroventral setae, hind tibia with 5 anterodorsal setae, and 1 postodorsal setae on distal third, 2 preapicals, 2 anterodorsal setae.

Abdomen (Fig. 4a, c): Syntergite 1 + 2 with mid-dorsal longitudinal depression extending until ½ to posterior margin. Syntergite 1 + 2 with at least 4 pairs of lateral marginal setae; tergite 3 with at least 4 pairs of lateral marginal setae and a pair of median marginal seta.

Terminalia (Fig. 5): Sternite 5 with slightly developed lobules, setulose, with basal plate long and slightly curved; sensilla “trichodea” present on distal portion. Epandrium broad in posterior view, setulose, and closed dorsally. Anterior epandrial process undeveloped. Cerci not fused, narrow, apically rounded and distally slightly tapered in posterior view. Surstylus somewhat narrow, not fused with epandrium, convex, with seven long setulae in frontal view; distally tapered in lateral view (Fig. 5A, C). Extension of dorsal sclerite of distiphallus ending in an expanded region.

Female. Following the description of Thompson (1963: 472), it differs from male by the following: head with vertex about 4x width of front. Ocellar setae weak, proclinate-divergent. A pair of strong proclinate orbitals and between these but near the anterior orbital, a strong reclinate frontal seta.

First instar larvae. A complete description was given by Thompson (1963: 477), and the reader is referred to that work.

Biology. Unknown.

Distribution. Puerto Rico, Trinidad & Tobago, Nicaragua (Chinandega), Mexico (Tabasco) and Costa Rica (Guanacaste, new record).

Ebenia nigripennis (Wulp 1891) comb. nov.

(Figs. 6 and 7).

Fig. 6figure 6

Ebenia nigripennis (Wulp 1891), lectotype male (NHMUK). A. Dorsal habitus. B. head, frontal view. C. lateral habitus. d. labels

Fig. 7figure 7

Ebenia nigripennis (Wulp 1891), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (MZSP). Male terminalia. A. epandrium, cerci and surstylus, posterior view. B. ejaculatory apodeme. C. epandrium, cerci, surstylus, hypandrium, phallapodeme, basiphallus, epiphallus, distiphallus, pregonite and postgonite, lateral view

Comyops nigripennis Wulp 1891: 262. References. Brauer & Bergenstamm (1893: 183, designation of C. nigripennis as type species of Comyops); Thompson (1963: 472, redescription of male; 474, description of first instar larva); Guimarães 1971: 109, catalogue); O’Hara et al. (2020: 91, checklist of World Tachinidae); Santis & Nihei (2022, phylogenetic analysis).

Remark. At the NHMUK collection the two male syntypes from the original description of Wulp were examined by D.M. Wood. One male presents a lectotype label and the other male a paralectotype label attached by Wood in 1989. However, the lectotype designation was not published. In the interests of nomenclatural stability and to restrict the name to a single specimen, the male syntype bearing Wood’s lectotype label and the additional label “NHMUK 013933635” is hereby designated as lectotype of Comyops nigripennis Wulp 1891.

The current combination for this species is Ebenia nigripennis (Wulp, 1891) comb. nov.

Type material examined

Lectotype ♂: “Lecto-/ type”; “♂”; “Teapa,/ Tabasco./ Jan. H.H.S.”; “B.C.A. Dipt.II./ Comyops/ nigripennis,/ v.d. W.”; “Central America./ Pres. by/ F.D.Godman./ O.Salvin./ 1903–172.”; “Lectotype ♂/ of Comyops nigripennis Wlp/ designated 1989/ D. M. Wood”; “NHMUK 013933635”. Lectotype in good condition.

Paralectotype ♂: “Teapa,/ Tabasco./ Jan. H.H.S.”; “B.C.A. Dipt.II./ Comyops/ nigripennis,/ v.d. W.”; “Central America./ Pres. by/ F.D.Godman./ O.Salvin./ 1903–172.”; “Paralectotype ♂/ of Comyops nigripennis Wlp/ designated 1989/ D. M. Wood”.

Additional examined material

BRAZIL. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Friburgo, Mury, 1 ♂, 1–30.i.1973, Gred & Guimarães col (MZSP).

Diagnosis. Eyes with conspicuous setulae. Fronto-orbital plate dark silver pruinose. Postpedicel entirely dark brown. Facial ridge with setulae present almost at the antennal insertion. Prosternum setulose. Thorax without silver pruinosity. Legs brownish black. Wing smoky, mainly on apical portion; vein R4+5 with setulae dorsally hallway to r-m. Costal spine poorly developed. Abdomen with silvery pruinosity on each tergite, occupying just anterior margin, about 1/5 of each segment. Male terminalia with surstylus presenting long setulae laterally on frontal view.

Redescription of lectotype male.

Coloration (Fig. 6a–c): Occiput with silver pruinosity. Head with dark silver pruinosity. Antenna dark brown. Arista dark brown, but proximal 1/5 light brown. Palpus brownish. Labellum light brown, prementum shiny black. Scutum brownish, but posterior part of the postpronotal lobe silvery pruinose. Wing smoky on apical region. Tegula and basicosta dark brown. Halter yellowish. Posterior spiracle light-brown. Legs brownish. Upper and lower calypters hyaline. Abdomen brownish, with brownish pruinosity only visible on posterior view, occupying about the entire surface of tergite 3 and 4.

Head (Fig. 6a–c): Vertex about 0.1 × head width in dorsal view. Width of parafacial, measured at distance between inner margin of eye and antennal insertion, 2 × height of gena. Fronto-orbital plate with setulae throughout its length. Frontal vitta narrowed dorsally. Eye about 0.9 × the head height. Gena about 0.1 × eye height. Labellum developed, about 0.1x as long as prementum.

Thorax (Fig. 6a, c): Acrostichal setae 2 + 1. Dorsocentral setae 2 + 3. Prosternum setulose. Anepisternum with one seat on anterior upward region. setulose. Wing. Costal spine poorly developed. Vein R4+5 with setulae dorsally hallway to vein r-m and ventrally just at base. Legs. Fore femur with posterodorsal and posteroventral rows of setae; fore tibia with 1 posteroventral on distal third, 2 preapical, 1 anterodorsal and 1 posteroventral setae. Mid tibia with 3 anteroventral, 3 posteroventral setae on apical third; mid femur with anterodorsal setae on apical third, 2 preapical, and 2 posteroventral setae. Hind femur with posterodorsal and posteroventral rows of setae. hind tibia with 5 anterodorsal setae, and 1 postodorsal setae on distal third, 2 preapicals, 2 anterodorsal setae.

Abdomen (Fig. 6a, c): Syntergite 1 + 2 with mid-dorsal longitudinal depression extending until ½ to posterior margin. Syntergite 1 + 2 with at least 4 pairs of lateral marginal setae; tergite 3 with at least 4 pairs of lateral marginal setae and a pair of median marginal seta.

Terminalia (Fig. 7): Sternite 5 with slightly developed lobules, setulose, with basal plate long and slightly curved; sensilla “trichodea” present on distal portion. Epandrium broad in posterior view, setulose, and closed dorsally. Surstylus somewhat narrow, not fused with epandrium, convex, setulose in posterior view and with about 10 long setulae laterally on posterior view; distally tapered in lateral view (Fig. 7A, C). Extension of dorsal sclerite of distiphallus ending in a confluent region.

Female. Following the description of Thompson (1963: 472), it differs from male by the following: head with vertex about 4x width of front. Ocellar setae weak, proclinate-divergent. A pair of strong proclinate orbitals and between these but near the anterior orbital, a strong reclinate frontal seta. Abdominal tergite 1 + 2 with no marginal or discal setae, but a pair of strong lateral setae.

First instar larvae. A complete description was given by Thompson (1963: 474), and the reader is referred to that work.

Biology. Unknown.

Distribution. Mexico, Trinidad & Tobago and Brazil (Rio de Janeiro, new record).

Ebenia striaticollis (Wulp 1891) comb. nov.

(Fig. 8).

Fig. 8

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