QU's Human Nutrition Department Celebrates the Success of the Smart Start Campaign in Primary Schools

QU's Human Nutrition Department Celebrates the Success of the Smart Start Campaign in Primary Schools

The Human Nutrition Department (HND) at the College of Health Sciences (CHS), a member of QU-Health at Qatar University (QU), is proud to announce the ongoing success of the Smart Start campaign in primary school classrooms. This nutrition education program aims to promote healthy eating and an active lifestyle among schoolchildren in Qatar, addressing the growing concern of childhood obesity and its long-term health implications.

Childhood obesity has become a major health problem, affecting children's physical health, social and emotional well-being, and self-esteem. Fostering healthy habits and encouraging physical activity from an early age will reduce the risk of chronic diseases and obesity-related complications later in life. Therefore, the campaign aims to revive a healthy culture and instill proper habits in children as a preventive action, in line with Qatar Vision 2030.

During the spring semester, HND students have been actively engaging with primary students, delivering a range of interactive activities related to nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. Recently, 150 children enthusiastically participated in the program at Al-Khor International School. The activities addressed several main areas, such as understanding food groups and MyPlate guidelines, creating nutritious lunchboxes, raising awareness of the harmful effects of sugar, and encouraging an active lifestyle.

In the first activity, children were introduced to food groups, learning about healthier options within each group. The kids matched different food items to their respective food groups, enhancing their understanding of proper nutrition. In the following activity, children had the opportunity to apply the learned concepts by creating their own lunchbox, using a variety of food models to compose an optimal meal. The campaign also shed light on the detrimental effects of excessive sugar consumption. Through interactive games, children estimated the amount of sugar present in commonly consumed food items and beverages, raising their awareness of the importance of making healthier choices. Furthermore, the Smart Start program emphasized the value of regular physical activity in everyday life. Children participated in entertaining exercises and games, highlighting the benefits of being physically active for optimal growth and development.

The Smart Start campaign continues to make a positive impact on the health and well-being of schoolchildren in Qatar. By equipping them with essential knowledge and practical experiences, the program encourages healthy habits and fosters a culture of wellness from a young age. Mr. Sujith Soundarraj, Deputy Head of CBSE Junior, stated, “The campaign utilized various strategies to promote nutritious food choices and foster a culture of wellness within the school. Students were eager to participate in the activities and shared their appreciation for the efforts.”
Dr. Maya Bassil, Head of the Human Nutrition Department, added, “By targeting schoolchildren at this young age, the SMART START campaign highlights the importance of investing in preventive measures and fostering a culture of healthy food and lifestyle choices early on in life to support a brighter and healthier future for the next generations.”

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