Application of Artificial Intelligence in the Anesthesiology of Critical Care Patients

Document Type : Letter


1 Atherosclerosis Research Center, Clinical Sciences Institute, Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

2 Chemical Injuries Research Center and Systems Biology and Poisonings Institute, Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran



Many areas of medicine, including pathology, radiology, cardiology, and surgery, have used AI for more therapeutic and interventional purposes.
Artificial intelligence (AI) technology is developing at a rapid pace because of substantial advancements in large data sets, databases, algorithms, and computer power. AI has significant applications in medical research. Medical technology has advanced due to the integration of AI and medicine, and doctors are now able to provide patients with better care thanks to the effectiveness of medical services and equipment. Due to its tasks and characteristics, AI is also essential for the growth of the anesthesia discipline; its initial use was in many anesthetic domains.


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