The frog-manikin holding the blue parasol umbrella: imaginative generativity in evolution, life, and consciousness

In this paper, we introduce a new perspective where imagination is identified as the generativity of mental imagery and imaginings, or imaginative generativity (IG), characterized by a diverse array of multisensory formats, symbolic types, and mental activities (mental synthesis). Reviewing evidence spanning the evolution of cognition in hominids and some nonhuman species, we highlight the significance of IG in Paleolithic symbolism and findings from experimental studies in behavioral and cognitive neuroscience on perception and mental imagery. Our analysis also includes a synthesis of extensive bibliometric literature. We conclude that imaginative consciousness and its phenomenology rely on vivid representing, a cognitive optimization strategy to navigate the challenges of instability, ambiguity, and limitations in perception, memory and consciousness, crucial for survival and adaptation. Our review suggests that imagination, akin to phenotypic traits, plays a critical role in natural selection, highlighting the importance of including cognitive process variations within the framework of natural selection. Our perspective not only deepens the understanding of evolutionary development but also emphasizes the importance of mental simulation and foresight as key components of evolutionary fitness.

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