Impaired Neuromotor Control During Gait in Concussed Adolescents—A Frequency Analysis

Figure 4

—fPC1output for the left semitendinosus and tibialis anterior during the DT condition. The black line indicates the total mean across all participants, the pink or higher line indicates the mean for fPC1 of the concussed group, and the gray or lower line indicates mean for fPC1 of the uninjured group. Concussed adolescents demonstrated a significantly higher fPC1 score than the uninjured adolescents in the semitendinosus and tibialis anterior muscles. DT indicates dual-task; fPC1, functional principal component 1; IMNF, instantaneous mean frequency.

Citation: Journal of Applied Biomechanics 40, 2; 10.1123/jab.2023-0126

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