Neuropsychiatric symptoms in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: mixed methods analysis of patient-derived attributional evidence in the international INSPIRE project

Melanie Sloan, Thomas A Pollak, Efthalia Massou, Guy Leschziner, Laura Andreoli, Rupert Harwood, Michael Bosley, Mervi Pitkanen, Wendy Diment, Alessandra Bortoluzzi, Michael S Zandi, Mandeep Ubhi, Caroline Gordon, David Jayne, Felix Naughton, Colette Barrere, Chris Wincup, James Brimicombe, James A Bourgeois, David D’Cruz, Neuropsychiatric symptoms in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: mixed methods analysis of patient-derived attributional evidence in the international INSPIRE project, Rheumatology, 2024;, keae194,

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