Clinical decision support for bipolar depression using large language models

Vignette generation

We applied a probabilistic model, adapted from approximate prevalences of treatment in the electronic health records of 2 academic medical centers and affiliated community hospitals, to generate 50 vignettes for individuals with bipolar 1 or 2 disorder experiencing a current major depressive episode. Each vignette included age and gender (the latter randomly assigned with 50% probability between men and women), with race randomly assigned with 50% probability between individuals who were white and Black. Sociodemographic assignments were intended to make vignettes more realistic while maintaining large enough subgroups to allow secondary analysis to examine bias; as such, we elected not to include other gender, race, or ethnicity categories. Vignettes also included medical and psychiatric comorbidities, current and past medications, and features of past illness course. (See Supplementary Materials for vignette template and example vignette).

Vignette evaluation

Optimal treatment options for each vignette were collected from 3 clinicians with bipolar disorder expertise, each with more than 20 years of mood disorder practice and experience leading mood disorder clinics. A community clinician comparator group was collected via internet survey of clinicians who treat individuals with bipolar disorder who were participating in a continuing medical education program, invited to participate by email. The clinicians were offered entry into a lottery as incentive to participate. All surveys were administered via Qualtrics.

The expert clinicians were presented with all 50 vignettes in random order, with gender and race randomly permuted. For each vignette, they were asked to identify and rank the 5 best next-step treatments to consider, and the 5 worst or contraindicated next-step treatments. Expert-defined optimal treatment for a given vignette was assigned on the basis of mean ranking of each medication. Poor treatment was assigned on the basis of appearing in a list of poor options from at least one expert. The surveyed clinicians were similarly presented with 20 randomly-selected vignettes in random order drawn from the 50, with gender and race randomly permuted.

All respondents signed written informed consent prior to completing the survey, which was approved by the Mass General-Brigham Institutional Review Board.

Model design

The augmented model used GPT-4 with a prompt incorporating 3 sections (Supplementary Materials). The first presented the context and task; the second summarized the knowledge to be used in selecting treatment; and the third presented the clinical vignette. The knowledge incorporated an excerpt from the US Veterans Administration 2023 guidelines for bipolar disorder [6] relating to pharmacologic management of depression. For primary result generation, the model prompt asked to return a ranked list of the best 5 next-step interventions. For exploration of these results, an alternate prompt (Supplementary Materials) asked that each intervention be justified by citing the rationale relied upon for recommendation.

As a comparator (the ‘base model’), we repeated scoring using a shortened version of the augmented model prompt to elicit model recommendations without relying on additional knowledge (Supplementary Materials).

All models used GPT-4 turbo (gpt-4-1106-preview), with temperature set at 0 to generate the most deterministic (i.e., least random) results, and context reset prior to each vignette. (While temperature can be applied to increase apparent creativity in generative models, we presumed that creativity in treatment selection would decrease replicability and transparency). Each vignette was presented a total of 20 times, with gender and race permuted (that is, each combination of male or female, and Black or white, was presented 5 times). Web queries and code execution by GPT-4, as well as use of additional agents, were inactivated to ensure that all responses used only the knowledge provided plus the prior training.


In the primary analysis, we compared the augmented model to the expert selections, evaluating how often this model identified the expert-defined optimal medication choice. To examine whether this augmentation was useful, we then compared an unaugmented model (i.e., the LLM without inclusion of guideline knowledge) to expert selections, again evaluating how often it selected the optimal choice. Performance of the two models was compared using McNemar’s test for agreement. To facilitate comparison to community practice, we also calculated the proportion of vignettes for which community clinician choices matched expert selections. For the augmented and base model, as well as the community clinicians, we also evaluated how often models or clinicians selected at least one expert-defined poor medication choice.

To evaluate the possibility of biased responses, we also examined model responses stratified by 4 gender-race pairs (Black men, Black women, white men, white women). To compare the 4 groups, we used Cochrane’s Q test (a generalized form of McNemar’s test), followed by post-hoc pairwise tests using McNemar’s test with Bonferroni-corrected p-values. This approach is analogous to using ANOVA with post hoc pairwise tests.

We conducted two post hoc sensitivity analyses. First, as one of the experts had contributed to guideline development, we examined the effect of excluding that expert, to ensure the overlap (between guideline writing and expert opinion) did not inflate concordance between augmented model output and expert results. Second, we examined the performance of psychiatrist prescribers alone, rather than including all clinicians.

In reporting model performance, we elected to report proportion of times that the optimal expert choice was selected as the first choice, both as proportion and as Cohen’s kappa. We adopted this strategy to maximize transparency and interpretability, and because comparisons of ranked lists, when the rankings are partial (i.e., not all options are scored), is not a well-defined area of statistical methodology [14, 15]. Secondarily, we reported how often the experts’ top choice was among the top 3, or top 5, provided by the model. We further examined degree of overlap between the 5 model choices and the 5 expert choices. Finally, we compared the models’ top 5 choices to the list of poor choices identified by the experts.

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