18F-FDG PET/CT and Radiolabeled Leukocyte SPECT/CT Imaging for the Evaluation of Cardiovascular Infection in the Multimodality Context: ASNC Imaging Indications (ASNC I2) Series Expert Consensus Recommendations From ASNC, AATS, ACC, AHA, ASE, EANM, HRS, IDSA, SCCT, SNMMI, and STS

We would like to thank the reviewers of this document for their input, which has significantly improved the quality of this document, including David Birnie, MD; Marisa Cevasco, MD, MPH; Jonathan Chrispin, MD; Suzanne Crews, CNMT, RT(N) (CT), NMTCB(CT), PET; David M. Dudzinski, MD, JD; Timothy Dunn, CNMT, NMTCB; Marc Dweck, BSc (hons), MBChB, PhD, FRCP, FACC; Andrew Einstein, MD, PhD, MASNC; Attila Feher, MD, PhD; Alessia Gimelli, MD; Tsuyoshi Kaneko, MD; Adolf W. Karchmer, MD; Hicham Skali

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