Knowledge and management of traumatic dental injuries among schoolteachers in Hungary: a cross-sectional study with educational intervention

Appendix: English translation of the questionnaireQuestionnaire tool for the evaluation of knowledge and management of traumatic dental injuries of schoolteachers

(English translation of the Hungarian questions used in the study)

q1. “Your Gender?”



q2. “Your age (years)?”

q3. “What size municipality do you work in?”

village (< 5000)

town (5-20,000)

city (20-100,000)

large city (100,000 -1 million)

capitol (>1 million)

q4. “What type of institution do you work in?”

kindergarten (<6 years)

primary school (6-10 years)

elementary school (10-14 years)

secondary school (>14 years)

q5. “Have you ever been an eyewitness of any dental injuries in children?„



q6. “Which teeth are most frequently traumatized?”

lower frontal teeth

upper frontal teeth

molar teeth

q7. “Which age-group of children are at the highest risk for dental injuries?”

1-3 years

4-6 ears

7-10 years

11-15 years

q8. “What will you do in the case of bleeding originating from the oral cavity following dental injury?”

Try to stop bleeding using a tissue paper

I would immediately refer the child to a dentist

Apply mouth rinse to the tooth and refer the child to the dentist as soon as possible

if the bleeding soon stops, it is enough to visit the dentist within the span of two weeks

q9. “How urgent should the injury be managed?”

within 30 minutes

within 6 hours

any time during the day

I don’t know

q10. “What is the first step in case of oral injury?”

Contact parents and advise them to take the child to a clinic

Manage the injury of the child and continue education/class

Immediately notify a dentist

I don’t know what to do

q11. “What is the appropriate management of the avulsed tooth?”

The tooth should be replaced immediately

There is no point in replacing it

It should be taken to the dentist in an appropriate medium

I don’t know

q12. “How should the avulsed tooth to be cleaned”

Scrub the tooth gently using a toothbrush

Rinse it with saline or under tap water

Rinse it with household antiseptic

Put the tooth back into the socket without cleaning

Not necessary to clean

q13. “Which activity is the most dangerous to children’s teeth integrity?”

ball games

winter sports



q14. “Do you conduct physical education in the school?”



q15. “Do you find yourself sufficiently informed about regarding the care of dental accidents and injury?”



Appendix: English translation of the handout

Injuries to teeth and surrounding tissues are very common in school accidents. Injuries usually involve a lot of pain and bleeding, often combined with fractures of the surrounding bones. In 80–90% of cases, the upper front teeth are damaged, and the most at risk age group is elementary classes 5-8th class. Different risk factors are encountered according to age, with young children are more likely to be injured on the playground, while at older ages sports are more likely to be the injury risks. If an accident does occur, it is the responsibility of the adults present at school to target the action, as a trained helper can significantly improve the recovery process. The first thing to do is always to inform the guardian of the child, and in the case of suspected negligence, the authorities should also be informed. In the meantime, of course, the child and the injury must be monitored. It must be made clear whether the child is oriented in space and time, whether he or she can respond to the questions asked. If bleeding is heavy, it can be stopped for a short time with mild pressure, but presumably the bleeding will soon stop on its own, it is more important to gently disinfecting and covering the area and preferably seeing a dentist immediately. General guideline, that the child should be treated within 6 h of the injury. If a tooth is visibly out, it should be gently rinsed with tap water or saline solution and transported without cleaning in an appropriate liquid (milk, saliva, mild saline) to the dentist.

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