Mitapivat: A Quinolone Sulfonamide to Manage Hemolytic Anemia in Adults With Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency

1Global Scientific Communications Rare Blood Disorders, Sanofi, Cambridge, MA;

2Gastroenterology, Dupilumab, Sanofi, Cambridge, MA;

3Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, School of Pharmacy, Worcester, MA;

4Transilvania University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Fundamental Disciplines and Clinical Prevention, Brasov, Romania.

*Address for correspondence: Professor Lorena Dima, MD, PhD, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Fundamental Disciplines and Clinical Prevention, 56 Nicolae Bălcescu Str., 500019, Brasov, Romania. E-mail: [email protected]

The author has no conflict of interest to declare.

This article is part of a series evaluating drugs recently approved by the US Food and Drug Administration. The series is coordinated by Timothy Nguyen, PharmD, and Kristine Willett, PharmD.

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