Surgery orients positivity

as you see: you open your eyes for the beauty of the globe. Enjoy day care. Your delight makes your neighbourhood shine. Scope possibilities. Your happiness positively laughs at other minds. Robot roots reggae. Your positive joy spreads out love, peace and all kinds of amazing ideas. ICU BBC CEA EGF TGF ABC. Cancel shadows. Your phantasy rules your decisions and helps you to find well-tuned ways for diagnosis, therapy and follow up. Sun shines for you. You are more than a simple moon of mood. As such you are a star and become the hope of future generations.

Pasted we are by the programs of the universal upload of a crasy and amazing idea. The power of the momental tuned tempered atmosphere composes inventions and delight, progress and remedy, stories and concepts, methods and conclusions. As such goes the introduction.

Once upon a time, there was not crime, there was no time, no space and dime. Then the model came into mind. Creative energies have been delivered by particular nerve endings and these nerve endings propagated their neuro-humoral-flushes to neighbouring, adjacent high junction connected nerve cells. As such the clustered nerve cell system fostered the development of signs and symptoms. These have then been translated into the models of the phantasy. Working models we are. Models follow the idea to search and create a new trend for well taken progress. Models are the basis of any progressive adventure in life and sciences [1, 2].

Surgery works by the continuous translations of models into life [1, 2]. As such you conduct your R0 resections. Be proud of it. Not everybody can do it. As such you perform your oncological stage tuning. Here I am and there you are and you now have to listen to the junk. Funky furore of cancer cell fire works. Functions flush the horizon. Keep it in mind. Outnumber the cases of others. High volume surgery. Obesity may be outside and inside. It creates difficulties. Road runners are slimy catchers for the eye. Be proud of what you have achieved. Motivate others to do so, too. Name it education. Thunder cleans for delight.

Present times are perfect for living your phantasy. Present times are perfect for novel ideas. Would you be so kind to have an idea? Artificial intelligence reads out your score. So many papers are published every day, every second, are released during every move of the cosmic clock. But are they worth it? Do these papers fulfil the criteria for acceptance. Which are the criteria for acceptance?

Those papers should have novelty, individuality, exclusivity, relevance and enthusiasm. The authors should have started their work with an idea. The idea comes first. The idea should be new, novel and outstanding. Then the authors should have chosen the adequate method. Avoid to repeat published literature. Avoid the application of an inadequate method. Involve professionals. Count and assess the limitations of any given study method. If you lack ideas, focus on a different tune.

Life is music. Music is our universal language. Music evolves out of the power of the momental tuned tempered atmosphere of the composer. During this process the composer turns into a different state of consciousness. Who never has been allowed to perceive this state of atmosphere can not be able to estimate what happens, what really happens, when the power of the momentum catches you. During this outstanding, exclusive episode creativity spreads out ideas, concepts and phenomena. The composer, writer, painter, surgeon translates these inner images into treatable signs, which then can be brought to the attention of the listener, reader and watcher [1, 2]. As such works the art of life sciences. Patients love it.

Would you love to do that? Would you love to become and be a follower of the above idea? Then allow yourself to be different and to follow the heart beat connection. Let your music talk to us. Bring your ideas to the attention of the readers. As such European Surgery is happy to serve your ideas, to serve the products of your phantasy. Care about people. Give time for the people. Invest love. It is worth doing so. Otherwise we would have never achieved, what we are allowed to borrow and see.

Do not always care about the bad, about the negative. You will not change the habits of life. Life always comes in the form of positive pastiche and negative vibrations. But you are allowed to sort out and leave out the negative part of it. As such you will contribute for a positive future of academical sciences. As such you will foster to prosper positivity, joy and happiness.

May this issue of European Surgery find your interest and motivate positive surgical science. The authors are to be thanked for having invested and spent their time to compose these colourful fugues of surgical themes, topics and understandings. All reviewers and editors are to be thanked for their fruitful support. Otherwise these ideas and motivations could not be brought to the attention of the readers. Finally, Springer and the industry are to be thanked for giving us the possibility to offer this platform for the publication of surgical science. Remains to be asked: what is the essential meaning of Springer, the essential meaning of the semiotics of Springer. What does it stand for? Where does it come from? Where has it been taken from? Why has it been chosen?

During chess the horse (German: Springer) moves two steps (squares) along one direction and then one step (square) in the oblique, diagonal direction. As such the movement of the horse (Springer) mirrors the geometry of the belt stars of the stellar constellation of Orion (Fig. 1a,b) [3,4,5].

Fig. 1figure 1

a Image of the Orion belt stars, oriented, as outlined in the text. b Constellation of Orion with the belt stars in the center of the constellation and the 4 edge stars at the edges of the constellation, as outlined in the text. Image obtained using iPhone

Since antiquity humans examine, follow and translate the geometry of the constellations of the Zodiacs and the Orion into their iconography [3,4,5]. As such ancient Egyptian arts mirror the geometry of the belt stars of the Orion (Fig. 1a,b) [3,4,5].

For example, the three pyramids of Gizeh are oriented along the orientation of the belt stars of the Orion (Fig. 2) [3,4,5]. Going in line with this approach the iconography for the representation of the human waist (i.e. Osiris) of ancient Egyptian iconography follows the diagonal, oblique orientation of the belt stars of the Orion (Figs. 3 and 4) [3,4,5]. Within the Torah, the ladder of Jacob mirrors the symbolism of the constellation of Orion [1, 2]. Even the orientation of Jesus (waist, abdomen, viewing direction) fixed on the cross follows the orientation of the constellation of Orion, where the tips of the stretched out hands and the tips of the stretched out feet mirror the four edge stars of the Orion, while the bended axis along the level of the waist mirrors the orientation of the belt stars of the constellation of Orion (Fig. 1) [1,2,3,4,5]. Here we learn: Space does not waist time. Got it?

Fig. 2figure 2

Image cartoons the idea of the author that the orientation of the three pyramids of Gizeh, Egypt, mirrors the orientation of the belt stars of the Orion, as outlined in the text. Image obtained at the plateau of Gizeh envisioned from south towards north

Fig. 3figure 3

Image cartoons the idea of the author that the bended axis of the waist of human representations in ancient Egyptian art follows the orientation of the axis of the belt stars of the Orion, as outlined in the text. Image obtained at Karnak temple, Egypt

Fig. 4figure 4

Image cartoons the idea of the author that the bended axis of the waist of human representations in ancient Egyptian art mirrors the orientation of the axis of the belt stars of the Orion, as outlined in the text. Image obtained at Karnak temple, Egypt

In music the opening motive of the 5th symphony of Beethoven and the closing motive of the 5th symphony of Mahler, respectively, mirror the orientation of the belt stars of the Orion (Springer). The melodies mirror the geometry of the Orion belt stars. Isn‘t that amazing, isn‘t that awesome? Beethoven meets Mahler meets Orion?! Art definitely brings down the heavens to us, down here on earth, yes: art mirrors heavens and skies [1,2,3,4,5].

Multiple stone age sites all around our beautiful globe are oriented along the axis of the Orion belt stars and the orientation of the constellation of Orion. Taken together, Springer lives the legacy of our ancestors, who brought down the heavens from the skies to make them treatable for us down here on earth. As such phenomenology allows to keep and create the oldest ideas of human civilisation [3,4,5]. The same happens during your surgery: surgery translates images into treatable signs (diagnosis, therapy, follow up) [1, 2]. Be aware of it. It is highly exciting.

We are a part of this ancient legacy. Ancestor reflux always matters, cares and speaks to us. Let your sun shine. Be happy and enjoy the positive vibrations of your day.

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