Further validation of the Cognitive Biases Questionnaire for psychosis

A transdiagnostic approach to mental health research has been recommended by The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) [1] and is becoming increasingly popular amongst researchers. The current categorical diagnostic system is designed to facilitate the communication of information regarding epidemiology, clinical descriptions, pathogenesis, treatment options, and prognosis and outcome among treatment providers, patients, families, and the public [2]. Regarding schizophrenia and depression, Mellsop & al [2]. consider that the current classification fails to meet its objectives. Categorical approaches are widely criticized by both researchers and health professionals [2,3,4] for a plethora of reasons.

First, diagnostic criteria currently used to differentiate psychiatric disorders are solely based on symptomatology; however, identical symptoms are included as core criteria for different psychiatric disorders diagnoses. Indeed, one can observe a depressed mood in individuals with major depressive disorder, but also in those diagnosed with psychotic depression, bipolar disorder, schizoaffective disorder, or schizophrenia. Importantly, many of the negative symptoms of schizophrenia (e.g., social withdrawal, anhedonia) are considered symptoms of depression in mood disorders. Second, some diagnoses seem to fit even less in a single category. For instance, criteria for schizoaffective disorder diagnosis are among the most criticized criteria as they encompass the same symptoms as bipolar disorder, and only differ in the duration of psychotic symptoms in relation to the mood symptoms. Third, given the plurality of possible symptom profiles for a given diagnosis, it is possible for two individuals to share a diagnosis, yet exhibit highly different symptoms [5, 6]. Fourth, severe psychiatric disorders do not have a single etiology. For example, a recent genome-wide association study revealed more than 200 common risk variants for schizophrenia [7]. Moreover, studies suggest that severe psychiatric disorders may be genetically linked [8] and that many genes linked to risk for psychiatric disorders may not be diagnostically specific in their effect. Indeed, meta-analyses showed that variants on a single gene (the 5-HT2A receptor) are linked to three different disorders (schizophrenia, bulimia, and anorexia nervosa). For instance, overlapping genes on chromosome 13q (termed G30 and G72) may be associated with both schizophrenia and bipolar disorder [9], and several popular candidate genes (e.g., serotonin transporter, dopamine transporter, dopamine 2 receptor) are significantly associated with a wide variety of psychiatric disorders or psychiatrically relevant traits [10, 11]. Studies also suggest that different psychiatric disorders may be precipitated by similar environmental factors [12, 13]. Exposure to childhood adversity is a good example, as it is linked to higher rates of multiple observed disorders [14]. Risks factors for severe psychiatric disorders are thus not related to the manifestation of a particular disorder, but rather to the likelihood of developing a severe mental disorder in general. Moreover, traditional classification systems that frame mental disorder diagnoses as independent entities fail to consider high rates of observed comorbidity [15] like depression and anxiety [16], or schizophrenia and social anxiety [17]. Finally, responses to various treatments appear to be specific to the symptoms that are targeted and not to the diagnosis itself, with symptoms intensity being a better predictor of treatment needs than the given diagnosis [18]. Empirically-based psychotherapeutic interventions aim to alter the dysfunctional thought patterns and cognitive biases underlying specific symptoms and are not diagnosis-specific [13].

Mathews and MacLeod [19] defined cognitive biases as the tendency to process information in ways that favor certain types of emotional meaning or valence. We can distinguish three categories of cognitive biases: attentional biases, interpretation biases, and memory biases [19, 20]. Interpretation biases are the tendencies to interpret or infer ambiguous information according to a certain emotional meaning or valence [19].

Cognitive biases, especially interpretation biases, are recognized as important treatment targets for reducing symptoms associated with severe mental disorders and Cognitive-oriented psychotherapies are largely based on the assumption that cognitive biases are causally related to symptoms [19]. Indeed, studies show that it is possible to reduce symptoms, including depressive and psychotic ones, as well as prevent relapses by targeting cognitive biases [19].

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is an evidence-based therapy [21, 22] that focuses on the relationship between cognitions, emotions, and behavior. A recent metaanalysis of CBT randomized controlled trials (RCT) showed that heterogeneity between RCT was low and that CBT remained effective across different conditions [23].

CBT for psychosis (CBTp) is also effective [24,25,26,27,28,29]) in reducing psychotic symptoms relapse at 12 months and improving functioning. CBTp is recommended by several clinical guidelines [30, 31] for severe mental illness to diminish distress or symptoms linked to psychotic disorders.CBTp and aims to modify, amongst other things, beliefs underlying an individual’s hallucinations and delusions by targeting the cognitive biases at play. Metacognitive training (MCT) [32] also is another evidence-based therapy that targets cognitive biases. Participants learn to modify biases that are linked to psychotic symptoms via trainings following specific modules [33]. Meta-analyses on MCT interventions have demonstrated small-to-moderate effects on positive symptoms [34, 35]. Cognitive bias modification training (CBMT) [36] also aims at modifying cognitive biases, although mostly attentional biases, specific to facial emotion recognition for instance. Other trainings exist, such as the Maudsley review training program (MRTP) [37], a computerized program that aims at decreasing Jumping to Conclusions via reasoning training (RT) [38], or Michael’s game, a card game designed to help people with psychotic disorders find alternative explanations for various situations that vary in paranoid intensity [39].

Interventions or trainings targeting cognitive biases may also exert positive effects on lack of clinical (unawareness of being ill) and cognitive (self-reflectiveness and self-certainty) insight [40, 41]. A recent meta-analysis also suggests that, overall, interventions targeting cognitive biases have a small, positive and statistically significant effect on the reduction of cognitive biases, a moderate significant positive effect on the improvement of psychotic symptoms, and a moderate significant positive effect on the improvement of patients’ insight levels [33].

Although cognitive biases have been linked to symptoms in most studies, few studies have looked at such biases transdiagnostically. Cognitive biases can be assessed through a variety of experimental tasks or self-reported questionnaires. The Beads task [42], for instance, has been extensively used for the Jumping to Conclusions bias [43,44,45].

Several questionnaires have been developed to assess various biases, including the Attributional Style Questionnaire [46], the Internal, Personal, and Situational Attributions Questionnaire [47], and the Ambiguous Intentions Hostility Questionnaire [48]. Most have a narrow focus and only target one type of cognitive bias, and as such do not provide a comprehensive assessment of an individual’s cognitive biases.

As reported by Peters and colleagues [49], several questionnaires evaluating the “Beck biases” (i.e., arbitrary interference, selective abstraction, magnification, minimisation, overgeneralisation, and personalisation) [50] are available in the mood disorder literature [51,52,53,54,55,56,57]. Peters and colleagues [49] thought that many of these questionnaires were less appropriate for people with a severe mental disorder or with occupational and social dysfunction, because they refer to work or social circumstances that might be quite different from theirs (e.g., “You noticed recently that a lot of your friends are taking up golf and tennis” [49, 56]. As a result, they developed the Cognitive Bias Questionnaire for psychosis (CBQp), a self-reported questionnaire that assesses cognitive biases (interpretation biases) and involves a wide range of thinking styles commonly observed among individuals with a psychotic disorder, as well as in individuals with other severe mental disorders. The CBQp is easy to use and was designed to be useful in both clinical and research settings. This comprehensive self-reported questionnaire enables the assessment of multiple biases concurrently, including: Catastrophising (predicting negative events in the future), Dichotomous Thinking (all-or nothing thinking), Emotional Reasoning (the use of subjective emotions to form conclusions); Intentionalising (thinking negative scenarios were committed on purpose), and Jumping to Conclusions (taking hasty decisions without having a sufficient amount of evidence).

Peters and colleagues [49]) validated their questionnaire in three populations, that is individuals with psychosis, with depression, and healthy controls. It has shown good internal consistency (α = 0.89) as a single factor and excellent test-retest reliability (α = 0.96). Scores on the CBQp questionnaire have been associated to those obtained on the Psychotic Symptoms Ratings Scales (PSYRATS) [58], the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) [59], and the Beck Anxiety Inventory [60], providing good rationale for its concurrent validity.

Construct validity was investigated by correlating CBQp total and theme scores with the CST [51], and each of the five cognitive biases measured with its equivalent task or questionnaire (scores on the self items themes of the CST for Emotional Reasoning, the Beads Task [60] for Jumping to Conclusion, the Catastrophising Interview [61] for Catastrophising, the number of extreme responses on the Dysfunctional attitudes scale (DAS) [62] for Dichotomous Thinking, and the Ambiguous Intentions and Hostility Questionnaire (AIHQ) [48] for Intentionalising (accidental and ambiguous scenarios only). None of the CBQp individual bias scores were related to a task equivalent, apart from Emotional Reasoning and the CST self-based items. Moreover, the total CBQp score was correlated with the CST. The authors suggested that the demonstration of the construct validity of the individual CBQp biases was, to some degree, hampered by the lack of appropriate measures available in the literature [49].

Healthy controls scored significantly lower on the CBQp relative to the other group s[49].. Interestingly, CBQp total scores did not distinguish individuals with depressive and psychotic disorders, suggesting that these groups may present with similar cognitive biases. Based on their cluster factor analysis (CFA), the questionnaire seemed to assess a general thinking bias (1-factor), but the 2-factor model (assessing biases within two themes relating to psychosis; Anomalous Perception and Threatening Events) was the best fit when the factors were assumed to be related, and the 5-factor model factor (assessment of multiple biases) also showed a reasonable fit. The CBQp has been translated and validated in several languages, namely Flemish [63], Indonesian [64], Japanese [65], and Italian [66] (Pozza & Dettore, 2017). Thus far, the CBQp has yet to be validated in French.

Accordingly, the current study’s objective is to validate a French version of the CBQp and to replicate Peters and colleagues’ [42] findings by exploring transdiagnostic cognitive biases in individuals with psychotic disorders, individuals with mood disorder (depression), and in healthy controls. The study aims to: 1) translate the CBQp in French; 2) determine the validity and reliability of the French version; 3) verify its factorial structure; and 4) explore cognitive biases across diagnostic groups. Akin to Peters and colleagues (2014), we expected the French CBQp to be valid and reliable. Further, we expected that a one-factor or two-factor structure would be the best fit. We also expected that both the psychosis and depression groups would score higher on the CBQp relative to controls and that similar biases would be found across diagnostic groups.

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