Supplementary Figure S1 STRUCTURE HARVESTER result of the optimal K value for STRUCTURE admixture analysis. With different K values in range from 3 to 9, the optimal K value (K = 5) has the highest deltaK
ajhb23702-sup-0002-FigureS2.tifTIFF image, 77 KBSupplementary Figure S2 Neighbor-joining (NJ) tree for the Vietnamese Bouyei populations (Tu Di and Bo Y) with other relevant populations using autosomal short tandem repeats (STR) genotypes. The populations included in this analysis are the same populations used in the STRUCTURE analysis. This dendrogram was constructed using POPTREE2 software (Takezaki et al., 2010) based on the Da distance (Nei et al., 1983) and the NJ method (Saitou & Nei, 1987), bootstrap 1000 replications. The resulting NJ tree showed a similar grouping of the population as in the STRUCTURE analysis
ajhb23702-sup-0003-FigureS3.tifTIFF image, 5.4 KBSupplementary Figure S3 Output of the g2 functions for the autosomal short tandem repeat (STR) datasets of the Bo Y population (Ha Giang Province) and the Tu Di population (Lao Cai Province). Output of the g2 functions for the autosomal STR datasets of two populations Tu Di (blue) and Bo Y (yellow) showing the distribution of g2 estimates from 10 000 bootstrap samples over individuals together with their confidence intervals (CIs) of 95%. g2 is the quantifier for the identity disequilibrium (ID), or variance in inbreeding through the strength of correlation in heterozygosity across marker loci. The empirical g2 estimate is marked as a black dot along the CI
ajhb23702-sup-0004-FigureS4.tifTIFF image, 3.1 MBSupplementary Figure S4 A map showing the relative geographic locations of the populations being analyzed in the multidimensional scaling (MDS) plot. The color codes denote the different linguistic families. The Tu Di and the Bo Y population are indicated by triangular shapes
ajhb23702-sup-0005-TableS1.xlsxExcel 2007 spreadsheet , 73.2 KBSupplementary Table S1 List of the populations used in STRUCTURE analysis
ajhb23702-sup-0006-TableS2.docxWord 2007 document , 15.9 KBSupplementary Table S2 Y-chromosome STR Haplotype Reference Database (YHRD) accession numbers of the populations used to calculate the genetic distance Rst values with the two Vietnamese Bouyei populations
ajhb23702-sup-0007-TableS3.pdfPDF document, 337 KBSupplementary Table S3 Allele frequency and forensic parameters of 23 autosomal short tandem repeat (STR) loci of the two Vietnamese Bouyei populations
ajhb23702-sup-0008-TableS4.pdfPDF document, 184.3 KBSupplementary Table S4 The pairwise p-values of Chi square test for linkage disequilibrium of the 23 autosomal short tandem repeat (STR) loci
ajhb23702-sup-0009-TableS5.pdfPDF document, 244.5 KBSupplementary Table S5 Allele frequencies and forensic parameters of 27 Y-STR loci of the two Vietnamese Bouyei populations
ajhb23702-sup-0010-TableS6.pdfPDF document, 117.3 KBSupplementary Table S6 Y-STR haplotypes and haplogroup information of 18 individuals from Bo Y (Ha Giang) population and 29 individuals from Tu Di (Lao Cai) population
ajhb23702-sup-0011-TableS7.pdfPDF document, 479.2 KBSupplementary Table S7 Autosomal STR genotypes of 41 individuals from Bo Y (Ha Giang) population (a) and 55 individuals from Tu Di (Lao Cai) population (b)
ajhb23702-sup-0012-TableS8.zipapplication/x-zip-compressed, 230 KBSupplementary Table S8 The Rst values and their associated p-values were returned using the online AMOVA tool from the Y-chromosome STR Haplotype Reference Database (YHRD) database. (A) The genetic distance Rst values based on Y-STR loci of 28 studied populations. (B) p-values associated with the genetic distance Rst values based on Y-STR loci of 28 studied populations
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