Restorative Alveolar Interface Management Combined With Tunnel Technique and Connective Tissue Graft: A Conservative Approach for Root Fracture Treatment


The infringement of supracrestal tissue attachment by subgingival restorative margins, extensive caries, and root fractures, can compromise the periodontal health, resulting in inflammation and loss of periodontal supporting tissues. This report describes a case of a root fracture on the upper left central incisor that was successfully treated using a conservative approach, by applying the restorative alveolar interface (RAI) management combined with tunnel technique and a subepithelial connective tissue graft (SCTG).

Case Presentation

A 24-year-old male patient presented with a provisional single-unit fixed prosthesis on his upper left central incisor, in function for 4 years, with the chief complaint of prosthesis discoloration. After clinical and radiographic examination, a diagnosis of root fracture was established. Following the removal of the provisional prosthesis, a full-thickness flap was elevated creating a tunnel. The elimination of the fracture line/angle, root recontouring, and planning was then performed with the aid of a conical long diamond bur and periodontal curets. Additionally, an SCTG was placed buccally into the tunnel. The final zirconia layered with E-max crown was placed 6 months after surgery. At 12- and 24-month follow-up, the periodontal tissues presented healthy aspect, no bleeding on probing, and a 4-mm probing depth.


Surgical repositioning of the restorative margin can be an alternative and conservative treatment approach to compromised teeth with subgingival fracture line/angle. However, case selection should be carefully considered and restorability assessed as limitations might apply.

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