A qualitative investigation of biomedical informatics interoperability standards for genetic test reporting: benefits, challenges, and motivations from the testing laboratory’s perspective


Conceptualization: A.K., J.H.G., M.S.W., G.D.F., S.B.B., S.M.H. Data curation: A.K. Formal analysis: A.K., C.C.M., J.H.G., M.S.W., G.D.F., B.R.J., S.B.B., S.M.H. Investigation: A.K., C.C.M., J.H.G., M.S.W., G.D.F., B.R.J., S.B.B., S.M.H. Methodology: A.K., J.H.G., M.S.W., G.D.F., S.B.B., S.M.H. Resources: A.K., J.H.G., M.S.W., S.M.H. Supervision: S.M.H. Validation: A.K., C.C.M., J.H.G., M.S.W., G.D.F., B.R.J., S.B.B., S.M.H. Writing—original draft: A.K., S.M.H. Writing—review & editing: A.K., C.C.M., J.H.G., M.S.W., G.D.F., B.R.J., S.B.B., S.M.H.

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Correspondence to Aly Khalifa.

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