All indicates both uncomplicated and complicated cases
1421611.1René Laennec (1781-1826)2Pre-1826ParisAll--12.0 -16.0William Pulteney Alison (1790-1859)3Post-1822Edinburgh Royal InfirmaryAll8225.0Jean-Baptiste Bouillard (1796 -1881)41831-1834Paris, Hôpital de la CharitéAll1021211.8Gabriel Andral (1797-1876)5Pre- 1834Paris, Hôpital de la CharitéUncomplicated291448.3Complicated362261.1Pierre-Charles-Louis (1787-1872)61828-1835Paris, Hôpital de la CharitéUncertain period of enrolment, probably before 1840
Vienna, Wieden HospitalMostly large bleedings.Uncertain period of enrolment, probably before 1840
Paris, L'Hôtel-DieuUncomplicated 1st stage dStages following presentation: first is initial 24 hours; second is 2nd - 3rd days; third is 4th - 6th days
Stages following presentation: first is initial 24 hours; second is 2nd - 3rd days; third is 4th - 6th days
stage50Uncertain period of enrolment, probably before 1840
Vienna, Wieden HospitalDeaths all complicated2953612.2John Hughes Bennett181849-1863Edinburgh Royal InfirmaryAll11532.6Karl Kissel191852 eDate of publication, not date of patient recruitment.
Germany, location not specifiedIron acetate orally ifUncertain period of enrolment, probably before 1840
St Petersburg, Peter and Paul's Hospital,57 1st stage (no deaths)Stages following presentation: first is initial 24 hours; second is 2nd - 3rd days; third is 4th - 6th days
stage (3 deaths)Stages following presentation: first is initial 24 hours; second is 2nd - 3rd days; third is 4th - 6th days
stage (8 deaths)113119.7F.J.J.Schmidt221851-1854Rotterdam Krankenhuis-37410.8Heinrich von Bamburger (1822-1888)231857 cUncertain period of enrolment, probably before 1840
Wurzburg, Julius HospitalFew leeches applied in minority1862111.3Professor Dr Rigler241856-1858Gratz, General HospitalVenesection in only 4 cases; leeches in several1192016.8Robert Bentley Todd
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