The Natural History of a Pygmy Rattlesnake Bite

Although snake bites are fairly common in the United States, with more than 60,000 occurring each year, venomous snake bites are comparatively rare, with only approximately 7000 per year ( Deaths resulting from animal attacks in the United States.

Wilderness Environ Med. 1997; 8: 8-16

, Incidence and mortality due to snakebite in the Americas.

PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2017; 11 (e0005662)

). Sistrurus miliarius, or the pygmy rattlesnake, is a venomous snake endemic to the southeastern United States ( Gold BS Barish RA Dart RC. North American snake envenomation: diagnosis, treatment, and management.

Emerg Med Clin N Am. 2004; 22: 423-443

, Patel V Kong EL RJ Hamilton. Rattle snake toxicity.

StatPearls [Internet]. StatPearls Publishing, Treasure Island, FL2021

). A majority of pygmy rattlesnake bites are dry and do not require antivenom ( Gold BS Barish RA Dart RC. North American snake envenomation: diagnosis, treatment, and management.

Emerg Med Clin N Am. 2004; 22: 423-443

). This article documents the progression of a pygmy rattlesnake bite of the finger with envenomation, which was not treated with antivenom.

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