BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: A cleftlike nonenhancing hypointensity was observed repeatedly in the pituitary gland at the adenohypophysis/neurohypophysis border on contrast-enhanced 3D fat-saturated T1-MPRAGE using clinical 7T MRI. Our primary goal was to assess the prevalence of this finding. The secondary goals were to evaluate the frequency of other incidental pituitary lesions, MRI artifacts, and their effect on pituitary imaging on the contrast-enhanced 3D fat-saturated T1 MPRAGE at 7T.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: One hundred patients who underwent 7T neuroimaging between October 27, 2021, and August 10, 2023, were included. Each case was evaluated for cleftlike pituitary hypointensity, pituitary masses, and artifacts on contrast-enhanced 3D fat-saturated T1 MPRAGE. Follow-up examinations were evaluated if present. The average prevalence for each finding was calculated, as were descriptive statistics for age and sex.
RESULTS: A cleftlike hypointensity was present in 66% of 7T MRIs. There were no significant differences between the “cleftlike present” and “cleftlike absent” groups regarding sex (P = .39) and age (P = .32). The cleftlike hypointensity was demonstrated on follow-up MRIs in 3/3 patients with 7T, 1/12 with 3T, and 1/5 with 1.5T. A mass was found in 22%, while 75% had no mass and 3% were indeterminate. A mass was found in 18 (27%) of the cleftlike present and 4 (13%) of the cleftlike absent groups. The most common mass types were Rathke cleft cyst in 7 (31.8%) patients, “Rathke cleft cyst versus entrapped CSF” in 6 (27.3%), and microadenoma in 6 (22.2%) in the cleftlike present group. There were no significant differences in the mass types between the cleftlike present and cleftlike absent groups (P = .23). Susceptibility and/or motion artifacts were frequent using contrast-enhanced 3D fat-saturated T1 MPRAGE (54%). Artifact-free scans were significantly more frequent in the cleftlike present group (P = .03).
CONCLUSIONS: A cleftlike nonenhancing hypointensity was frequently seen on the contrast-enhanced 3D fat-saturated T1 MPRAGE images at 7T MRI, which most likely represents a normal embryologic Rathke cleft remnant and cannot be seen in lower-field-strength MRIs. Susceptibility and motion artifacts are common in the sella. They may affect image quality, and the artifacts at 7T may lead to an underestimation of the prevalence of the Rathke cleft and other incidental findings.
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