Acinic cell carcinoma (ACC) is a salivary gland malignancy most commonly arising in the parotid gland. It is the second most common salivary gland carcinoma in children. It is characterised by neoplastic cells with acinar morphology arranged in variably architectural features, including solid, cystic or follicular patterns. Conventional ACC typically has a low-grade clinical pattern, whereas high grade ACC exhibits a more aggressive clinical course with distant metastasis a high mortality rate. Most ACCs are characterised by gene rearrangements in the NR4A3 gene. Here, we present a case of high grade ACC lacking NR4A3 gene translocation but harbouring a hitherto undescribed SYN2::PPARG gene fusion of uncertain clinical significance. Clinical, radiological, histological and genomic features of the case are discussed alongside a brief review of the literature.
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