Developing a sustainable endoscopy network in Scotland: in response to Tavabie et al

It is with great interest that we read the timely article by Tavabie and colleagues detailing the environmental impact of gastroenterology and hepatology services and outlining the unique position of trainee research networks to facilitate the sustainable transformation of endoscopy services and share best practice approaches between units.1 The recent COP28 summit and Global Tipping Points Report reiterated in stark terms that time is of the essence.2 It is critical we all act. The Scottish Trainees’ Research in Gastroenterology and Hepatology (ScotRIGHT) network,3 in collaboration with the Scottish Society of Gastroenterology (SSG), has already taken the lead on this in Scotland.

Using the ScotRIGHT network of Scottish trainees and Allied Healthcare Professionals (AHP), we have begun …

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