Unexpected early pregnancy during myomectomy followed by successful term delivery: A case report

Background: Leiomyoma, also known as uterine fibroid, is a non-malignant tumor originating from the uterus’s smooth muscles. It is the most common benign tumor in the female genital tract, exhibiting varying size and form that can distort the uterus’s shape. Uterine fibroids affect 2.7–10.7% of pregnant women and can lead to increased risks during pregnancy, such as miscarriage, placental abruption, preterm labor, and fetal malpresentation. Myomectomy is a surgical intervention for uterine fibroids, but it has drawbacks, including hemorrhage, fever, infection, ureter ligation, adhesive disorders, and unplanned hysterectomy.

Case Presentation: In this case report, we present a 32-yr-old woman with a large leiomyoma who underwent laparotomy myomectomy due to abdominal pain and heavy menstrual bleeding. 4 wk after the myomectomy, she was referred to the Obstetric Clinic of Ayatollah Taleghani hospital, Tehran, Iran complaining of delayed menstruation. Her beta-human chorionic gonadotropin test was positive. Ultrasound revealed a fetus with an estimated gestational age of 6 wk and 4 days. The pregnancy continued with no complications. At 38 wk of gestation, she underwent a cesarean section and delivered a healthy newborn.

Conclusion: This case report supports previous publications that have demonstrated the safety of myomectomy during pregnancy.

Key words: Leiomyoma, Pregnancy, Uterine myomectomy.

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