Epilepsy and pregnancy: Evaluating increased risks and outcomes in a large Nordic dataset

Karolinska InstitutetAug 6 2024NewsGuard 100/100 Score

But exactly how big the risks have been less clear. Randomized clinical trials are ruled out for ethical reasons and observational studies need a very large population base to quantify the relatively rare events.

An international research group, led by Karolinska Institutet, has now compiled register data from the five Nordic countries on more than 4.5 million pregnancies between 1997 and 2017. Among these were over 35,000 pregnancies where the mother had epilepsy.

This is a uniquely large dataset that has enabled us to look at very unusual outcomes."

Neda Razaz, first author, associate professor of epidemiology and researcher at the Department of Medicine, Solna, Karolinska Institutet

She continues: "The main findings are that women with epilepsy are four times more likely to die during pregnancy and that during the first 42 days after delivery, the children of women with epilepsy have a 50 percent higher risk of illness or death."

However, she points out that although the relative risk figures are high, the absolute numbers are small and the vast majority of pregnancies for women with epilepsy go well. For example, the fourfold increased risk of death in the pregnant woman means that the risk rises from five deaths per 100 000 pregnancies to 23 deaths per 100 000 pregnancies.

"96 percent of all women with epilepsy in our study had a completely uncomplicated pregnancy with a normal outcome. I don't want our results to scare women away from having children," says Neda Razaz.

Compared to women with epilepsy who were not treated with anti-epileptic drugs, both the mother treated with anti-epileptic drugs and her baby had higher risks, which probably reflects the fact that women receiving drug treatment have a more severe form of epilepsy, says Razaz.

"For many women with epilepsy, stopping the drugs if they become pregnant is not an option," she says.

The researchers conclude that the risks can be reduced for both the women and the children through better care before, during, and after pregnancy.

"Women with epilepsy should be treated at clinics with special expertise that can optimize their treatment even before they become pregnant. Then they should be specifically monitored both during and after pregnancy," says Neda Razaz.

The research was funded by NordForsk and the Norwegian Research Council. Several researchers report research funding and speaker fees from several pharmaceutical companies and research funds.


Journal reference:

Razaz, N., et al. (2024). Risk of Perinatal and Maternal Morbidity and Mortality Among Pregnant Women With Epilepsy. JAMA Neurology. doi.org/10.1001/jamaneurol.2024.2375.

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