Safety and efficacy of novel oblique-viewing scope for B2-endoscopic ultrasound-guided ...

Fig. 1. Flowchart of patient selection. B2, bile duct segment 2; EUS-HGS, endoscopic ultrasound-guided hepaticogastrostomy; OV, oblique-viewing.

Fig. 2. Comparison of EG-740UT (Fujifilm) and GF-UCT260 (Olympus) scopes. (A) Full-up angulations of EG-740UT (front) and GF-UCT260 (back). (B) Full-up angulation without the use of the EG-740UT and GF-UCT260 elevators with a 22-G fine needle aspiration (FNA) needle. (C) Full-up angulation and maximum elevation of the EG-740UT and GF-UCT260 elevators using a 22-G FNA needle.

Fig. 3. Comparison of EG-740UT (Fujifilm) and GF-UCT260 (Olympus) scopes using EUS images. (A) Without using the EG-740UT elevator. (B) With maximum elevation of the EG-740UT elevator. (C) Without using the GF-UCT260 elevator. (D) With maximum elevation of the GF-UCT260 elevator. EUS, endoscopic ultrasound.

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