Anesthesia experience, clinical characteristics and outcomes of COVID positive childbirths during COVID-19 pandemic: an observational study at two teaching hospitals in Iran

Mastaneh Dahi Shideh Dabir Firoozeh Madadi Mohammadreza Moshari Alireza Shakeri Minoo Yaghmaei Maryam Vosoughian Soodeh Tabashi

Keywords: Covid19, Pregnancy, Cesarean Section, Complications


Background & objectives: COVID-19 pandemic affected people all around the world since its first notification in 2020. The virus also affected pregnant ladies as well as their neonates. We aimed to accumulate data and report the clinical characteristics and outcomes of COVID-19 childbirths in two teaching hospitals during the pandemic.  

Methodology: We retrospectively extracted data of COVID-19 infected parturients and their newborns at the time of delivery from electronic record system of the two target hospitals.

Results: Electronic records of 44 parturients, known to have COVID infection, and delivered in two hospitals.  Out of them, 21 were on medication for the viral infection and 26 needed supplement oxygen. Six patients gave birth naturally and 38 had cesarean section to deliver. Rate of cesarean section and preterm labor was 81.81% and 31.81% respectively. Out of 36 patients who underwent cesarean section, 28 initially had spinal anesthesia.

Conclusion: COVID-19 infection increased risk of preterm labor; however, Covid itself did not affect the mode of delivery and type of anesthesia. The most important lesson of covid was real time sharing of vital data.

Keyword: Covid19; Pregnancy; Cesarean Section; Complications

Citation: Dahi M, Dabir S, Madadi F, Moshari M, Shakeri A, Yaghmaei M, Vosoughian M, Tabashi S. Anesthesia experience, clinical characteristics and outcomes of COVID positive childbirths during COVID-19 pandemic: an observational study at two teaching hospitals in Iran. Anaesth. pain intensive care 2024;28(3):503−508; DOI: 10.35975/apic.v28i3.2468

Received: October 22, 2023; Revised: January 03, 2024; Accepted: February 19, 2024

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