An Environmental Scan and Appraisal of Patient Online Resources for Managing Rheumatoid Arthritis Flares

An Environmental Scan and Appraisal of Patient Online Resources for Managing Rheumatoid Arthritis Flares

Shakeel Subdar, Alison M. Hoens, Krista White, Nicole M.S. Hartfeld, Kiran Dhiman, Keeva Duffey, Claire E. Heath, Gisele Lamoureux, Christine Graveline, Eileen Davidson, Glen Hazlewood, Diane Lacaille, Elena Lopatina, Megan R.W. Barber, Karen L. Then, Trafford Crump, Saania Zafar, Sarah L. Manske, Alexandra Charlton, Kelly Osinski, Aurore Fifi-Mah, Dianne Mosher, Claire E.H. Barber

The Journal of Rheumatology Jun 2024, 51 (6) 577-586; DOI: 10.3899/jrheum.2023-1025

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