Patient Experiences with a Multidisciplinary Fibroid Program

Multidisciplinary collaboration has been shown to improve patient care and outcomes and reduce the incidence of adverse events in a variety of medical conditions1. Similarly, multidisciplinary fibroid programs have been shown to facilitate and increase use of minimally invasive management options and to improve satisfaction among patients and medical providers alike2, 3, 4, 5, 6. While fibroids are the most common benign indication for hysterectomy, many patients pursue uterine-sparing alternatives for fertility or personal reasons7,8. These treatment options include intrauterine devices, gonadotropin releasing agonist and antagonist therapy, open and minimally invasive myomectomy for complex surgical cases with high fibroid burden, transcervical and transabdominal radiofrequency ablation, and IR procedures such as MRI guided focused ultrasound and uterine artery embolization (UAE)9, 10, 11, 12.

Improved patient outcomes and the drive to provide comprehensive patient-centered care13 led us to establish a multidisciplinary fibroid program in September 2020. To date, there is very little published literature on the characteristics of patients pursuing care at fibroid programs, the knowledge of fibroid treatment options prior to consultation, or the patient experience and satisfaction with fibroid centers14,15. The aim of our survey study was to assess patient familiarity and experience with fibroid management options before and after consultation at our multidisciplinary fibroid program and to evaluate whether this improved their knowledge of potential fibroid treatments. We hypothesized that patients seeking care at our fibroid program desire broad education about fibroid treatments including nonsurgical procedural options, especially considering up-front consultation with IR physicians, and that patients were more knowledgeable following shared decision-making in line with their health goals.

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