IPN based hydrogels for in-vivo wound dressings; catalytic wound healing dynamics and isothermal adsorption models

Promoting wound healing treatments to achieve ultimate health care for patients during and after surgical operations play vital role nowadays in international healthcare programs and institutions [1]. The delicate surveillance to obtain faster and healthier tissue repair, tissue regeneration, and deeper infection management are becoming cornerstones for fast treatment and restoring wellness of patients [2]. Many techniques have been employed to achieve this goal such as dressings and bandages [3], negative pressure wound therapy [4], hyperbaric oxygen therapy and methacrylation process [5,6]. Methacrylation processes have garnered significant attention in wound healing applications because they offer unparalleled versatility in tailoring materials to meet precise wound care requirements [7]. Methacrylate-based hydrogels performed via methacrylation reactions, found excellent in creating optimal wound healing environment [8]. Their tunable mechanical properties can mimic natural tissue, aiding tissue regeneration, while their high-water content fosters a moist wound environment crucial for cell migration and tissue repair [9]. Additionally, these hydrogels can serve as effective drug delivery systems, ensuring controlled and sustained release of therapeutic agents, further enhancing the wound healing process [10]. This adaptability, combined with biocompatibility and ease of application, positions methacrylate-based hydrogels as valuable assets in modern wound care. These hydrogels can be modified to possess attributes like high water content, flexibility, and tunable degradation rates, which are relative to wound healing [11]. Furthermore, methacrylation allows for the incorporation of bioactive molecules, growth factors, and antimicrobial agents into the hydrogels, enabling controlled release and localized therapeutic effects at the wound site to accelerate tissue repair and minimize infection risk [12]. This approach combines the versatility of methacrylation chemistry with the requirements of effective wound care, making it an innovative technique in the field [13]. In order to understand the behavior of tissue repair and explore how to accelerate this process, delicate dynamic study must be performed to give deeper insights of the different parameters required for faster and healthier wound healing treatments [14]. Wound healing dynamics involve following up the four district phases of the healing process, they also unveil the intricate mechanisms that govern crucial processes throughout the healing process [15]; In the initial hemostasis phase, kinetics allows monitoring of clot formation rates and the vital vascular constriction process, ensuring the swift sealing of damaged blood vessels and controlling bleeding [16]. During inflammation, kinetics become indispensable, quantifying the speed at which immune cells migrate to the wound site and orchestrating the removal of debris and pathogens, thus setting the stage for subsequent healing phases [17]. In proliferation, kinetics tracks the migration of diverse cell types to the wound area, precisely measuring cell proliferation rates and tissue rebuilding to ensure robust and functional tissue formation [18]. In the final phase of remodeling, kinetics provides essential insights into collagen synthesis rates and tissue maturation, quantifying the deposition and alignment of collagen fibers, ultimately contributing to the restoration of tissue strength and functionality [19]. Moreover, thermodynamics give fundamental concepts of energy associations, spontaneity and equilibrium between added hydrogels and damaged tissues in wound healing processes [20]. The thermodynamic parameters play pivotal roles in the assessment, optimization, and design of therapeutic interventions [21]. It also shed the light on the energy demands of cellular activities and metabolic pathways crucial for tissue regeneration [22]. Knowledge of thermodynamics aids in designing interventions that maximize the efficient utilization of energy resources, optimizing the healing process [23]. Together, these concepts contribute to the development of effective wound care strategies, therapies, and biomaterials that enhance the kinetics and thermodynamics of wound healing, ultimately improving patient outcomes [24]. On the other hand, wound healing encompasses sophisticated molecular events and regular cellular responses. The presence of methacrylate groups exerted profound influence on the kinetics and thermodynamics that shorten the time for tissue repair and thus govern the wound healing phenomena [[25], [26], [27]]. In polymerization reactions, methacrylate functional groups play a pivotal role as strategic initiators that intricately govern the continuum of the healing process [[28], [29], [30]]. Moreover, Isothermal adsorption models describe the relationship between the concentration of a particular molecule, such as drug, growth factor, or hydrogel and its fraction of surface covered on wound surfaces [31]. These isotherms provide critical insights into how efficiently therapeutic agents are delivered to the wound site and the extent healing process [32]. Parameters like maximum adsorption capacity and binding affinity, as determined by the isotherms, help optimize the design of wound dressings and drug delivery systems, ensuring that the right concentration of bioactive molecules is available for tissue regeneration [33]. By harnessing isotherm data, researchers and healthcare professionals can tailor wound healing strategies to achieve optimal therapeutic outcomes, ultimately improving the healing process and patient well-being [34].

Herein, we shed the light on catalytic dynamics and the isothermal adsorption parameters that govern the healing process. Two different synthetic hydrogels namely flaxseed gum and chitosan have been evaluated for their use as wound dressings. The in-vivo healing processes of mice were monitored for 15 days in presence and absence of the abovementioned hydrogels. The hydrogels were photocrosslinked via Thiol-Ene click chemistry technique using visible light source that tend to photo-crosslink methacrylated groups with dithiol groups forming interpenetration networks (IPNs) in presence of photoinitiator. The outcomes of dynamic and isothermal adsorption parameters unveiled delicate monitoring of wound closure parameters, and confirmed the successful implementations of hydrogels as wound healing dressings.

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