A Fast Track Open Access article published in the Health Behavior and Policy Review Journal.
Kristina L. Tatum, PsyD
Jessica Gokee LaRose, PhD
Danyel I. Smith, PhD
Mary Dunne Stewart, MSW
Elizabeth Theriault, MPH, MSW
Melanie K. Bean, PhD
Our objective was to evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of a school-based hydration initiative in elementary schools.
Hydration initiative included (1) placement of hydration stations, (2) promotional and educational activities during “Water Week,” and (3) provision of reusable water bottles. Surveys were administered at baseline and follow-up to assess student beverage intake and perceptions about the school’s environmental hydration policies and practices. Water bottle fills were assessed objectively at baseline, post-Water Week, and followup via weekly counts from hydration stations.
Water use increased post-Water Week (2.97±2.14), declining to 0.71±0.47 2 weeks later. At follow-up, frequency of soda consumption decreased (-.01 times/day; p < .001), self-reported water refill station use increased (p = .011), and a decrease (-.04 cups/day) in overall daily water intake (p = .043). At follow-up, there was an increase in the percentage of school personnel who reported their school promoted water as the best choice (p = .039). Students and teachers reported positive attitudes towards hydration stations, with some concerns about water bottle use in classrooms.
The intervention reduced soda consumption and improved school hydration culture. Results can inform hydration policy and programming efforts for elementary school students.
Source: Health Behavior and Policy Review
Publisher: Paris Scholar Publishing Ltd.
Article Link: https://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/psp/hbpr/pre-prints/content-psp_hbpr_1116
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