Impact of national recognition on medical physicist job positions in Indonesia: survey study from 2015–2021


National recognition of the medical physicist profession in Indonesia was initiated by the Ministry of Health Decree in 2007, followed by the Nuclear Regulatory Agency regulation in 2011. A seven-year survey was conducted to examine the impact of the government’s recognition of new job positions for medical physicists in Indonesia.


The data were divided into two groups: medical physicist positions in the government and those in private sectors for the three specialisms of radiation oncology, diagnostic radiology, and nuclear medicine.


The results showed the delayed impact of national recognition on new job positions for medical physicists, which increased rapidly after eight years of implementation. The regulation of the Nuclear Regulatory Agency has also supported increasing public recognition. The data show a significant impact of the national recognition of medical physicists on new job positions in Indonesia.


The study also found a significant impact of recognition on new job positions in the diagnostic radiology and radiotherapy departments.

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