Safeguarding essentials in modern-day paediatrics: inflicted injuries, body maps and section 47 investigations

The second case in the Safeguarding Essentials in Modern-day Paediatrics series, this article focuses on inflicted injuries, body maps and child protection investigations (CPIs). Using the scenario of a 6-year-old presenting to the emergency department having ‘fallen off a swing’, this article focuses on key considerations for history taking and examination in cases where you suspect injuries may have been inflicted, and how to discuss raising these suspicions with the family, as well as the importance of accurate body map completion. Also covered are CPIs, giving consideration to the legal framework surrounding these, and relevant useful resources and guidance are provided for dealing with the challenging circumstances that arise when physical abuse is first suspected.

Child AbuseChild Protective ServicesChild WelfareInfant WelfarePaediatric Emergency Medicine

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