Exploring Intercellular Dynamics: Ultra-Weak Biophoton Emission as a Novel Indicator of Altered Cell Functions and Disease in Oligospermia Mice

Aryan, A., Aghajanpour, F., Dashtdar, M., Hejazi, F., Salimi, M., Afshar, A., Soltani, R., Seyed Hasani, A. H., Aliaghaei, A., Abbaszadeh, H.-A., Mahmoodi, H., Zahedi, L., Abdollahifard, M. A., & Fadaei Fathabadi, F. (2023). Exploring Intercellular Dynamics: Ultra-Weak Biophoton Emission as a Novel Indicator of Altered Cell Functions and Disease in Oligospermia Mice: Ultraweak photon emission and disrupt the normal pattern of testicular cells. Journal of Lasers in Medical Sciences, 14, e65. Retrieved from https://journals.sbmu.ac.ir/jlms/article/view/42964

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