
  • 公開的
  • September 16 2025 9:00 AM - September 18 2025 6:00 PM ((GMT+08:00) Hong Kong)
  • Tashkent, Uzbekistan
  • Tashkent, Uzbekistan (查看地圖)
  • UZMEDEXPO-2025

    September 16-18, 2025

    Tashkent, Uzbekistan

    The 17th International Exhibition UzMedExpo-2025 Medical Equipment, Pharmaceutical, Dentistry Services



    • Functional diagnostics
    • Roentgenology
    • Ultrasound equipment, ultrasound examination
    • Endoscopic equipment and accessories
    • Computer tomographs
    • Laser technology and equipment
    • Equipment and devices for artificial lung ventilation
    • Surgical equipment and machinery
    • Electrical medical instruments and installations
    • Diagnostic instruments and devices
    • Equipment for cleaning, disinfection, and sterilization



    The main difference and advantage of exhibition from other marketing and advertising tools is that it is the most personalized marketing tool based on personal communication.

    Perhaps this is the most important reason that encourages to participation in exhibitions. During a meeting with a client at an exhibition, a participant has an opportunity to gain the trust and obtain instant customer response to its product, as well as information about the needs, problems and interests of that particular client. However, exhibition also gives other unique benefits for promotion of your products and services, the main ones are:

    1. Unlimited amount of information provided: instead of just one product (as, for example, in printed advertising), you can demonstrate a whole range of your products, exactly the way you want it.
    2. The cost of one contact (the cost of participation in exhibition per one visitor) is significantly lower than in any other types of advertising.
    3. The ability to demonstrate a product in action. This is especially important for complex products (cars, computers, machine tools, etc.) that cannot be represented by traditional types of advertising.
    4. The effect of concentration of attention: your consumers and partners have the opportunity to see newspaper, billboard and television advertising every day, whereas an exhibition (especially large and generally recognized) is an exceptional event that focuses attention and contributes to a closer acquaintance with exhibition.
    5. Studying demand: demonstrating a sample and discussing its commercial potential with visitors at your booth, you get an opportunity to analyze the potential market for a new product. Visitors at a stand may be your competitors, but the risk is worth it.
    6. Replenishing the customer base and establishing new contacts: not only your existing, but also potential customers will come to your stand. In addition, major exhibition events, especially international ones, attract the attention of foreign gurus and experts. You have the opportunity to establish the necessary contacts.
    7. Direct feedback: clarifying the needs of customers, instant feedback on your products and the company's image.
    8. PR: interest in the exhibition of mass media representatives will give you the opportunity to establish the necessary contacts and see the material about yourself on television, radio, in the business and industry press.
    9. Evaluation and adjustment of your market position. At an exhibition, as a rule, almost all industry leaders are present, so you have the opportunity to compare your product with similar products of your competitors, evaluate the visitors' interest in you and the competitors, evaluate your competitive advantages and, ultimately, your position in the market.
    10. Readiness to make a purchasing decision: the majority of visitors will come to your booth not by chance, but because of their interest in your products. This means that they are already prepared to receive information from your managers working at the stand, and are ready to make a decision to buy.
    11. Psychological effect of “neutral territory”. Contacts with potential customers often become more effective due to the fact that you accept them not in your office, but “on a nobody’s land”; In addition, at the exhibition, contacts with competitors that are unachievable in a different situation are possible (and often fruitful).

