Cannabis use disorder in patients with chronic pain: overestimation and underestimation in a cross-sectional observational study in 3 German pain management centres

aMedical Practice for Pain Medicine Saarlouis, Saarlouis, Germany

bDepartment of Anesthesiology, Intensive Care and Pain Medicine, Saarland University Medical Center, Homburg, Germany

cCenter for Pain Medicine and Mental Health Saarbrücken, Saarbrücken, Germany

dAlan Edwards Pain Management Unit, McGill University Health Centre, Montreal, QC, Canada

eDivision of Rheumatology, McGill University Health Centre, Montreal, QC, Canada

fCentre of Palliative Care and Pediatric Pain, Saarland University Medical Center, Homburg, Germany

gDepartment Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, Technische Universität München, München, Germany

*Corresponding author. Address: Center for Pain Medicine and Mental Health Saarbrücken, D-66119 Saarbrücken, Germany. Tel.: +49-681 9068536. E-mail address: [email protected] (W. Häuser).

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