Investigation of the effects of physical activity level on functionality level and quality of life in the postpartum period

This study showed that women's physical activity levels during the postpartum period were low, and their functional and quality of life levels were adversely affected.

Our study found that the physical activity levels of postpartum women were low, especially 35.64% of physically inactive women, and the mean IPAQ scores were 928.347 ± 281.27.

Similar to our study, studies show that the physical activity levels of postpartum women are insufficient [10, 18]. However, studies are showing that lack of physical activity in the postpartum period leads to decreased weight loss [19], increased pain [20], and deterioration in sleep quality [21], especially depression [10, 11]. The results of these studies show us the negativities of inactive life and emphasize the importance of physical activity during motherhood, which is one of the critical processes of life. In our study, similar to other studies, the functional and quality of life levels of women with low physical activity levels and who are not physically active were found to be low.

In our study, the mean total score of MAPP-QOL was 16.93 ± 6.87. In addition, a positive weak correlation was found between IPAQ and MAPP-QOL, and it was observed that the mean quality of life score of postpartum women with high physical activity levels was higher than other levels. We think that the reason for the low correlation is due to the low number of participants.

There are studies in the literature that have similar results to our study. Bahadoran et al., in their study with 91 pregnant women, stated that an increase in the level of physical activity increases the well-being of women [22].

In another study, it was stated that the quality of life of women in the postpartum period is low, and this low level may cause various problems in women [23].

Another study determined that the quality of life levels of women with insufficient physical activity levels were lower than those of women with higher physical activity levels [10].

We think the increase in physical activities during the postpartum period will make women feel more energetic, strong, and fit and will positively affect many parameters, such as motherhood roles and quality of life.

Although a few studies in the literature emphasize the importance of the functional level of the mother in the postpartum period [1, 2], no study evaluating its relationship with physical activity has been found. As a result of our study, the mean IFSAC total score was 2.13 ± 0.79. In addition, a positive moderate correlation was found between IPAQ and IFSAC, and it was observed that the functional levels of postpartum women decreased with the decrease in physical activity.

The level of functionality, which means the mother's readiness to undertake self-care, social, social, and professional activities, and baby care, gradually decreases after birth.

In their study, Sanli and Oncel pointed out that it takes longer than six months for the mother to reach her pre-pregnancy functional level and stated the importance of providing the necessary support to mothers quickly adapt to the postpartum period [2].

Fathi et al. stated that the increase in depression levels negatively affected the functional levels of women and reported that treatments for depression would increase the functional levels of women [1].

It is known that physical activity has positive effects on depression in the whole population. In addition, the decrease in the physical activity levels of postpartum women and the process they are in may decrease the satisfaction levels they receive from life, and their functional levels may be negatively affected. These results may affect the motivational aspects of women in the postpartum period and their motherhood roles. Increasing the physical activity levels of postpartum women provides both the physiological benefits of physical activity in women and the motivational contribution provided by activity and mental relaxation. This will positively affect the mother's care and social and professional functions, especially mother-infant development.

The fact that the questionnaires used in our study to evaluate both qualities of life and functional level are specific to the postpartum period is one of the strengths of our study. In addition, our study is the first study investigating the effect of physical activity level on functional status in postpartum women. The most important limitation of our study was not questioning the types of physical activity performed by postpartum women.

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