Patient and public involvement within epidemiological studies of long COVID in the UK

Competing interests

M.C. receives funding from the NIHR BBRC, the SRMRC and NIHR ARC West Midlands at the University of Birmingham and University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, Health Data Research UK, Innovate UK (part of UKRI), Macmillan Cancer Support, Union Chimique Belge and GSK Pharma and declares personal fees from Astellas, Aparito, CIS Oncology, Takeda, Merck, Daiichi Sankyo, Glaukos, GSK and the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) outside the submitted work. O.L.A. receives funding from the NIHR BRC, NIHR ARC West Midlands, NIHR BTRU in Precision Transplant and Cellular Therapeutics, The Health Foundation, Innovate UK (part of UKRI), Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Gilead Sciences, GSK and Sarcoma UK and declares personal fees from Gilead Sciences, GSK and Merck outside the submitted work. A.B. has received research grants from AstraZeneca, the US National Institute for Health and Care Research (including as chief investigator of the STIMULATE-ICP study: COV-LT2-0043, European Union, British Medical Association) and is a trustee of Long Covid SOS. C.M. receives funding from the SRMRC and the BTRU in Precision Therapeutics UKRI and declares personal fees from Aparito outside the submitted work. S.E.H. receives funding from the BTRU in Precision Therapeutics, UKRI and UK SPINE and declares personal fees from Cochlear, AstraZeneca, CIS Oncology and Aparito. N.C. has received funding from AstraZeneca to serve on Data Safety and Monitoring Committees for clinical trials. K.K. is a trustee of the South Asian Health Foundation, chair of the Ethnicity Subgroup of the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) and member of SAGE. P.E., E.D., S.H., R.S. and T.S. receive funding from NIHR and UKRI. T.S. is chair of the Health Research Authority and therefore recused himself from the CLoCk Research Ethics Application. R.A.E. receives funding from the NIHR, UKRI/MRC, the British Medical Journal and the Wolfson Foundation.

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